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Event type question

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L Snider

Sep 9, 2016, 10:02:03 AM9/9/16

I am trying to figure out the difference between two Event Types:
Accumulation/Accumulator and Collection/Collector

I have gone through RAD and ISAD-G and 'Collector' I found defined in ISAD'G's glossary. I have not yet found an official definition of an Accumulator. I went to the areas noted in the AtoM Taxonomy break down that reference RAD and ISAD-G and those areas only talk about dates, and creator, etc. but no definition of Accumulator.

I have someone who collected a whole bunch of different things, to me that is a Collector/Collection, but then I saw someone else use Accumulator for a similar thing, and I wondered if that term was better...To me accumulator is more like creator, and may even relate to their own records in a certain unique sense.

Any ideas on finding an official definition of Accumulator?

Thanks so much



Dan Gillean

Sep 9, 2016, 12:46:19 PM9/9/16
to ICA-AtoM Users
Hi Lisa,

Based on what I've been able to find, accumulation is generally referred to in ISAD(G) in relation to creation - such as in element 3.1.3 - Date(s):

3.1.3 Date(s)
Purpose: To identify and record the date(s) of the unit of description.
Rules: Record at least one of the following types of dates for the unit of description, as appropriate to the materials and the level of description.

Date(s) when records were accumulated in the transaction of business or the conduct of affairs; Date(s) when documents were created. This includes the dates of copies, editions, or versions of, attachments to, or originals of items generated prior to their accumulation as records. Identify the type of date(s) given. Other dates may be supplied and identified in accordance with national conventions.

Record as a single date or a range of dates as appropriate. A range of dates should always be inclusive unless the unit of description is a record-keeping system (or part thereof) in active use.

And in 3.2.1 Name of creator(s):

3.2.1 Name of creator(s)
Purpose: To identify the creator (or creators) of the unit of description.
Rule: Record the name of the organization(s) or the individual(s) responsible for the creation, accumulation and maintenance of the records in the unit of description. The name should given in the standardized form as prescribed by international or national conventions in accordance with the principles of ISAAR(CPF).

This is still pretty vague, but in my reading across other definitions, accumulation always tends to be associated with the creator(s). The SAA Glossary defines it as:

n. ~ 1. The organic process by which a collection of records grows out of a routine process. - 2. Preservation · A deposit of foreign matter; an accretion.

Notes: Accumulation2 connotes a substance that increased over time, although it may no longer be growing.

..but in the ICA's  Multilingual Archival Terminology, which references ISAD(G)'s glossary and the SAA Glossary, the definition of a creator is associated with accumulation. See:

Descriptive practices are always going to be influenced and subject to interpretation by the archivists performing archival functions. I'm not going to weigh in on "correct" practice, but I hope this might contribute to a conversation on usage?



Dan Gillean, MAS, MLIS
AtoM Program Manager
Artefactual Systems, Inc.

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L Snider

Sep 9, 2016, 1:15:07 PM9/9/16
Hi Dan,

Okay, so you found what I found, so that is good. RAD also mentions it when talking about the creator (from memory)....I suspect it varies, but now I need to look at more sites to see if there is a trend!



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