Hi John,
Interesting. This was working prior to upgrading for you? It appears to be working as expected in 2.4, such as in our public demo site:
You can see from these images what the expected path tends to look like; for example:
My first suggestions would be to a) double-check that your Base URL settings are correct in Admin > Settings > Site info, and also to take a look at your webserver configuration block - in our installation docs we define this for Nginx here, for example:
Are you by chance using Apache as your web server - or were you in the past? The presence of the /var/www/ in your example path suggests this to me. If so, you may need to look up how (and where) to make configuration file changes for Apache.
Remember, if you do make changes, you'll want to reload the configuration file, and probably clear your cache and restart PHP-FPM. Assuming you've followed our recommend installation instructions, you can do this in Ubuntu 14.04 like so:
- sudo service nginx reload
- sudo service php5-fpm restart
- php symfony cc
In Ubuntu 16.04, try these commands:
- sudo systemctl reload nginx
- sudo systemctl restart php7.0-fpm
- php symfony cc
Another thing to double-check - make sure that when you upgraded and copied over your digital objects, you didn't accidentally nest them in an extra directory - e.g. make sure the structure hasn't ended up as uploads/uploads/r, or uploads/r/uploads/r, etc.
Only other idea I have off the top of my head is re-check the permissions on the server - I doubt this is the cause of the issue, but it could be good to double-check. From the root AtoM directory of your installation, you can use the following command to ensure that all necessary directories can be accessed by the www-data user:
- sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /usr/share/nginx/atom
Finally, just a reminder that if necessary, you can regenerate digital object derivatives with the following:
Let us know what you find!