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Caroline M

Nov 22, 2022, 12:26:14 PM11/22/22
to AtoM Users
Hello, everyone!
We have IcAtom installed for a while and recently all pdfs are being shown upside down.
I realized  Global objetcs show a message that pdfinfo is necessary. How do I install it?

Dan Gillean

Nov 23, 2022, 8:22:01 AM11/23/22
Hi Caroline, 

First, if you are using ICA-AtoM version 1.x, I would strongly recommend that you consider upgrading to the latest version, as the 1.x version is now deprecated and no longer supported. In 2013 we released AtoM 2.0 - new look, rewritten docs, but same underlying code base, same open source license, and same development team. We are now on release 2.6.4 and are finalizing the 2.7 release. There have been many security patches, bug fixes, scalability improvements, and new features added to AtoM since the last official ICA-AtoM release! 

The pdfinfo library is typically installed as a part of poppler-utils, one of the "Other Packages" we install. In the current version of AtoM, it's here in the installation documentation: 
You could try running the command again. If you are using Ubuntu 18.04: 
  • sudo apt install poppler-utils
For older Ubuntu versions you may need to look up the right command. 

If you never installed any of the other packages listed in that section, then run the full commands - you will need all of those to properly manage digital objects and generate finding aids. 

Good luck! 

Dan Gillean, MAS, MLIS
AtoM Program Manager
Artefactual Systems, Inc.
he / him

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