users and multirepository

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Solborg Una Palsdottir

Jan 26, 2017, 6:46:12 AM1/26/17
to AtoM Users
Can I set users in a way that they can only enter data for one repository?

Dan Gillean

Jan 26, 2017, 12:55:20 PM1/26/17
to ICA-AtoM Users
Hi there,

It is possible to customize the permissions for a specific user or, more efficiently, set permissions for a new custom Group that restricts their write permissions to one repository, and then add users as necessary to that group. You'll find basic instructions in the following 2 documentation pages:

One important thing to note about this however:

AtoM's permission module was implemented in a very early version of (ICA-)AtoM, when the focus on the project was small and medium-sized institutions - meaning it was not designed for scalability. Similarly, the multi-repository module was designed assuming that individual institutions would have their own AtoM instance, and would be passing data to a single administrator for use in a portal site - that is, it was designed with access in mind, not full multi-institutional support. Many people are using it beyond these original design parameters, but once again, these modules were not designed with scalability in mind, and since then, no further development has been sponsored to support better scalability, performance, and usability.

The more custom permissions you add, the more checks there are on every element of page before it can load - which can lead to timeout issues even on basic elements, such as viewing authority records (one known issue we have heard reported). For this reason, we do not recommend adding a lot of custom permissions until further development is sponsored to overhaul the permissions module, as your users are likely to run into timeout issues. We would love to see this improved, but it is likely to be a fairly large development project - if this is something your institution is interested in sponsoring, please feel free to contact me off-list.

So: feel free to try it out, but make sure you test it. Based on feedback from other users, we recommend allowing all custom user groups to be able to view drafts across the application, as this seems to help. This might not be ideal, but as professionals, we should be able to trust the other users not to go snooping unnecessarily.

Let us know how it goes!

Dan Gillean, MAS, MLIS
AtoM Program Manager
Artefactual Systems, Inc.

On Thu, Jan 26, 2017 at 3:46 AM, Solborg Una Palsdottir <> wrote:
Can I set users in a way that they can only enter data for one repository?

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