Hi Jen!
There is certainly keen interest in seeing this standard used to guide further development of the Accessions module in AtoM, once the standard is finalized and fully accepted as a National standard. I'm a bit out of the loop on the latest, but I believe at one time there was interest in seeing if the ICA wanted to endorse it as an international standard as well - however, given the radical shift represented by
RiC, I'm not sure that is still planned, or that it would be accepted.
Many of the original members of the Accessions standard working group in Canada are also AtoM users, and have previously expressed interest in collaborating to collectively sponsor development based on the standard in the future. Nothing is certain at this time, and no plans are definitively in our development schedule. We'll have to wait and see, once the standard is ratified and interested institutions have had a chance to pool resources and bring us (or someone else!) a proposal for development.