Re: [atom-users] Narrow your results by:

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Dan Gillean

Apr 11, 2023, 8:18:09 AM4/11/23
Hi Johan, 

What version are you upgrading from?

Since the 2.3 release (as discussed in this comment during our redesign of the search/browse pages in 2015), the individual facet headers in AtoM's search and browse pages are only displayed if there is more than 1 result to show. If there are 0 or 1 results for a particular facet (meaning that there is either nothing to facet, or only 1 facet meaning that applying it will not change the result set at all), then that facet will not display, to simplify the available options for the user. 

In the documentation, this is mentioned in the Note admonition in the Facets overview, here: 
Is this what you mean? If not, can you please clarify? Thanks!


Dan Gillean, MAS, MLIS
AtoM Program Manager
Artefactual Systems, Inc.
he / him

On Tue, Apr 11, 2023 at 4:31 AM Johan Pieterse <> wrote:
Hi all
When installing new clean AtoM 2.7.1 the "Narrow your results by" is only showing when applying a filter that returns results.
Is this standard new functionality?

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Dan Gillean

Apr 12, 2023, 8:38:01 AM4/12/23
Hi Johan, 

Sorry, I am still not totally clear what the issue is. You said originally "the "Narrow your results by" is only showing when applying a filter that returns results." I explained that this is standard behavior. You have shown me an image of the facets in 2.6 from the demo site, where there is data that would make all those particular facets appear. I still don't know much about your 2.7.1 installation, and therefore can't comment on why there may not be any facets displaying at this time, or whether this a bug or a local configuration issue.

So - let's start with a bit more information. 
  • What is the FULL version number shown in Admin > Settings in your site?
  • Did you follow all steps of the recommended installation instructions? If no, what changes have you made (PHP, OS, database, search index, web server, etc.... any changes)?
  • If you are upgrading, have you loaded your data yet? Are you sure that during the upgrade you a) dropped and recreated the db before loading the sqldump, and b) ran the upgrade task after loading it, as described in the Upgrade instructions?
  • Have you tried re-indexing, clearing the application cache, restarting services, or any of the other maintenance tasks that help resolve common issues in AtoM
  • Are there cases where you know your data has 2 or more different elements (e.g .creators), but the related facet is NOT showing at all when it should?
  • Are you using the legacy Bootstrap 2 Dominion theme, or the new Bootstrap 5 Dominion theme?
  • Does your site have a custom theme, and/or any other custom development that we should know about?
  • Anything else that would help us understand this issue?
Thanks in advance!

Dan Gillean, MAS, MLIS
AtoM Program Manager
Artefactual Systems, Inc.
he / him

On Wed, Apr 12, 2023 at 8:01 AM Johan Pieterse <> wrote:
See attached screenshot of 2.6
On the demo 2.6 it shows.
On installing vanilla 2.7.1 it is missing
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