Generating report problem

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Dec 1, 2017, 5:09:29 AM12/1/17
to AtoM Users

I'm trying to generate a report of a fond by using the report function under the Explore section. Following the steps I get stuck at: "Report generation has started, please check the reports page again soon.". The report never shows up on the reports page. Any idea how to troubleshoot this problem?

Thank you

Joel Bergroth, Hälsinglands Museum

Dan Gillean

Dec 1, 2017, 11:27:06 AM12/1/17
to ICA-AtoM Users
Hi Joel, 

It looks like you are using AtoM 2.4 - is that correct?

In version 2.4, AtoM uses the Job Scheduler to generate reports asynchronously. That means that, as part of your installation, you will need to make sure you have followed the instructions on this page page to install and configure the job scheduler: 
If you've already done that, then the first thing I would do would be to check the Jobs page to see if more information is available. You can access this via Manage > Jobs. See: 
Each job in 2.4 will have it's own Job details page, where you can see output directly from the console relating to the job. This information can be useful for troubleshooting. More on the job details page here: 
If the details include an error message of some kind, feel free to share the output here. If nothing is showing up there, or if the job is just spinning endlessly, then we might need to go to the command-line for more information. 

We can try checking the job scheduler's log directly, to see if there's more information. How you do this will depend on which version of Ubuntu you've installed. For Ubuntu 16.04, you can use the following command: 
  • sudo journalctl -f -u atom-worker
On Ubuntu 14.04, I believe the following command would work (please let me know if it doesn't):
  • sudo tail -f /usr/share/nginx/atom/log/atom-worker.log
Sometimes, the atom-worker maintained by the job scheduler needs to be restarted. Here's how you can try that, to see if it resolves the issue (note that you might have to restart the report generation afterwards). 

If you have followed our installation instructions for Ubuntu 14.04, these commands can be used: 
  • sudo start atom-worker   # Starts the worker
  • sudo stop atom-worker    # Stops the worker
  • sudo restart atom-worker # Restarts the workers
  • sudo status atom-worker  # Obtain current running status
If you have installed following the Ubuntu 16.04 documentation, then try the following: 
  • sudo systemctl start atom-worker         # Starts the worker 
  • sudo systemctl stop atom-worker     # Stops the worker 
  • sudo systemctl restart atom-worker    # Restarts the workers 
  • sudo systemctl status atom-worker   # Obtains current status
Finally, if you want to kill all running jobs, the following command will terminate all atom-worker processes. Run it from your root AtoM directory (if you've followed our recommended installation instructions, this is usually /usr/share/nginx/atom): 
  • php symfony jobs:clear
Let us know if any of the above helps!


Dan Gillean, MAS, MLIS
AtoM Program Manager
Artefactual Systems, Inc.

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