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modifiy the tree structure of a fonds

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Apr 27, 2020, 6:46:43 AM4/27/20
to AtoM Users
Dear Atom Users,

Is it possible to modify the tree structure of a fonds once it has been saved ? Or to link the sublevels to another subfonds or series, to rearrange the order of the sublevels ? Because when I want to modify a serie or a file that has sublevels, the latter are not visible anymore. The only solution I have now is to delete everything and enter all the data again. 
Thank you!

All the best,

Dan Gillean

Apr 27, 2020, 10:39:37 AM4/27/20
to ICA-AtoM Users
Hi Elena, 

There are two ways to approach reorganizing your descriptive hierarchies in the user interface. 

The first is the drag and drop options supported in the treeview. This can be used to reorder sibling records (for example, files in a series, etc). You cannot drag a description to a new parent, but if one of the siblings has child descriptions (for example, items under one of the file-level records in your series) then they will stay associated with the parent as you reorder. See: 
The second option, which might be more applicable for your needs, is the move module. This allows you to move descriptions to any other location - include as a new top-level description, or as a child of another description. If the record being moved has children (for example, the series whose files we were reorganizing in the first example), then they will be moved as well and will retain their current associations. See: 
Unfortunately, we don't have an easy way to do the reverse in bulk - select all the sublevels and move them all at once to a new parent, so you would have to do that one by one for your lower level descriptions if performing this via the user interface. 

If neither of these methods seem practical for your needs (for example, you need to move thousands of children to a new parent), then there may be some further options we can explore using SQL. Let me know if you'd like me to explore this option further, and I can provide some example queries. 


Dan Gillean, MAS, MLIS
AtoM Program Manager
Artefactual Systems, Inc.
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Elena Panaite

May 2, 2020, 9:56:17 AM5/2/20
Hello Dan,

Yes the second option is what I was looking for as I am working only via the user interface. I tried and it worked even though it's a bit long having to do it all one by one. 
Thank you !

All the best,

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