Button to remove searches in places / subjects does not work in French language

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Aug 14, 2018, 12:41:26 PM8/14/18
to AtoM Users
I am a new user of AtoM. I hope to learn from this forum from other users of this software.
I am using version 2.4 of AtoM, the same as https://demo.accesstomemory.org
I am working in French language. And I see that when I'm browsing through Subjects or Places, the "X" at the end of the field, to remove the information from the search, does not work. I tried it in other languages, like English, Spanish, Portuguese and Nederlands. In English and in Nederlands it deletes the information, in French, Spanish or Portuguese not work.
This only happens in Browse "Subjects" and "Places", in "People and organizations" and "Archival institutions" the X deletes the information from the field. You can try it at the following link: https://demo.accesstomemory.org/subjects?sf_culture=fr&subqueryField=allLabels&subquery=Coach&limit=10&sort=lastUpdated
Thank you very much for your collaboration. Greetings from Saint-Étienne.


Aug 14, 2018, 5:11:50 PM8/14/18
to AtoM Users
Hi Claude,

Thanks for finding this. This does indeed seem to be an issue for French and Spanish. We've filed a bug ticket here: https://projects.artefactual.com/issues/12385

Systems Analyst

Nacho Alonso

Aug 28, 2018, 6:47:28 AM8/28/18
to AtoM Users
Sure this is not the best way to solve it, but what we did was to modify the width of:

  .inline-search form> div {
     width: 100%;

in main.css (arDominionPlugin) or in min.css (arArchivesCanadaPlugin) by width: 80%;


Nacho Alonso Martín

Director de Proyectos

617.56.97.11 - 981.53.50.46

R/ Agro do Medio, 7 4º A. 15895

Ames-Santiago de Compostela (A Coruña)






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Dan Gillean

Aug 28, 2018, 10:20:40 AM8/28/18
to ICA-AtoM Users
Hi Nacho, 

Thanks for passing along this tip. I've added a note to the related ticket for our developers to review your solution when we tackle this bug. I appreciate you sharing how you've fixed it locally! 


Dan Gillean, MAS, MLIS
AtoM Program Manager
Artefactual Systems, Inc.

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