The topic is: Can the Atom application perform the functions of tables for retention periods of Records ?

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محمود محمد

Jun 8, 2022, 2:47:47 AM6/8/22
to AtoM Users

Good morning, dear Atom community, I am glad to belong to you and discuss with you,

                The retention period schedules, Retention Schedule Policies are a tool for controlling the movements of documents and the powers of their uses and the final disposal of them [permanent preservation - total destruction after a certain period of time - partial destruction after a certain period of time] in its current administrative life after the end of its documentary cycle in the administrative office, as well as in its intermediate administrative life during Preserving them for use at irregular intervals until their final determination [destruction - permanent preservation], and in view of this, and in view of the various models of retention periods schedules, It is also an important component of the general archival description standard ( see ISAD G2 [3.3.2] ) the functions of retention periods schedules are as follows :

1-   Determining the period of time for the records in their current administrative life for the purposes of use and reference to them in the administrative office, Date from – to.

2-     Determining the period for keeping records in their intermediate administrative life, Date from – to.

3-      Final Determination of Her Fate [Destroy - Permanent Preservation]

4-      Determine the validity of use.

5-      Determining the destruction mechanism [Destroy the document and its metadata - destroy the records only and save its metadata].

                From this standpoint, can the Rights management unit and its sub-units: Rights basis and Act / Granted rights The performance of these functions if we compare them according to their elements, and By adapting some elements and adding new ones that are more suitable.

                From this standpoint, can the Rights management unit and its sub-units:  Rights basis and Act / Granted rights The performance of these functions if we compare them according to their elements, for example:

·         The date element from - to exists as in the picture.

·         The action element is present and contains the patterns of action to be taken, namely:

-        Delete in the sense of destruction.

-        Migration means migration of data and objects [it can be suggested to add the migration element of meta-registries only without the digital object.

                The table also shows the elements of the Rights management screen, which is divided into two parts, a section for controlling access and publishing rights = Rights Basic, and a section for procedural rights = Act / Granted Rights, in which the retention periods of documents are controlled and the nature of the action taken when the time period expires, with the AtoM system for scheduling documents and controlling durations Maintaining and disposing of them, and conforming to the following archival standards [ISAD G2 - RIC], in order to achieve the integrity of the documentary and archival system between all its ages as follows :

archival criteria                                             field name           NO

code     Standard          code     Standard

A16      RIC (V.2)           3.3.2     ISAD G2           Act       1

A16      RIC (V.2)           3.3.2     ISAD G2           Restriction        2

A16      RIC (V.2)           3.3.2     ISAD G2           Start  3

A16      RIC (V.2)           3.3.2     ISAD G2           End      4

محمود محمد

Jun 8, 2022, 4:19:29 AM6/8/22
to AtoM Users
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