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Paula Gonzalez Llamera

Sep 27, 2023, 2:22:41 AM9/27/23
to AtoM Users
Buenos días:
Somos dos compañeros con diferentes perfiles de una misma compañía para la gestión de ATOM, hay alguna manera de saber las conexiones que hace uno y otro y si se puede saber quien hace el registro de cada documento. Ya he mirado en proceso pero solo aparece las acciones completadas.
Y como cambiar la hora, ya que la hora que sale en proceso no es válida
Muchas gracias
Un saludo

Dan Gillean

Sep 27, 2023, 8:51:31 AM9/27/23
Hola Paula, 

AtoM has a very basic audit module, but currently it only exists for archival descriptions. For other record types, there is currently no way for AtoM to track who creates or edits each record. 

To enable the audit log for archival descriptions, go to the settings. See: 
Keep in mind that this will NOT reveal the history of previously created or edited descriptions. AtoM also cannot know who performs command-line imports, so these actions will not have an associated user in the description change log.  However, future creations and edits made via the user interface will be tracked by user. You can see the history of edits on a particular description: 
Or an administrator can view all changes made by a particular user: 
Additionally, there will now be a user filter available on the Description Updates page: 
We hope to add support for other record types in AtoM in a future release. For now, I hope this helps! 

In terms of correcting the system time - this is normally done during installation, but you can change the default time zone that AtoM uses by editing the configuration file found at /apps/qubit/config/settings.yml. See: 
You can find a list of timezones that PHP supports here: 
After making changes to this file, you should clear all caches and restart PHP-FPM after to see the changes. Run the following from AtoM's root installation directory, which is typically /usr/share/nginx/atom if you followed our recommended installation instructions: 

Dan Gillean, MAS, MLIS
AtoM Program Manager
Artefactual Systems, Inc.
he / him

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