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Juan Jose Balderrama

May 19, 2022, 11:22:31 AM5/19/22
to AtoM Users
Buenas tardes, cómo puedo obtener el link para pasárselo al usuario final y vea y consulte los registros que ingrese en el Ica Atom.

Ya instale el Ica Atom y coloque algunos registros como administrador pero no se como puede visualizarlo el usuario final, si pueden ayudarme por favor soy nuevo en esto.

Muchas gracias.

WhatsApp Image 2022-05-19 at 11.10.08 AM.jpeg

Dan Gillean

May 20, 2022, 3:02:18 PM5/20/22
to ICA-AtoM Users
Hi Juan, 

Did you follow our recommended installation instructions for AtoM? See: 
AtoM is intended to be installed on a server if you want to make it publicly available. If you have installed AtoM on a personal device like a desktop or laptop, this is really only suitable for a local test environment, and should not be used for broad public access. We do have an easy way to install AtoM on a test instance for local use - see our Vagrant box instructions and slides.  

If you have followed our recommended installation instructions are are trying to configure an AtoM server to be publicly available: 

The documentation assumes that the person doing the installation has some basic familiarity with web server configuration and deployment, so it doesn't cover the final steps involved in acquiring a domain name - nor does it currently cover all the basic security considerations of making a site available on the public web! I am an archivist, so I am not an expert in this area, but I will try to provide a bit further information and terminology on some of the next steps 
  • You will need to purchase a domain name to make your site secure and publicly discoverable on the web. A domain name is the core part of a URL - for example, in, would be the domain. 
  • You can purchase a domain name from a Domain Name Service (DNS) provider. There are sometimes free ones available but they will be random and will not use popular extensions like .com, .org, etc. However, there are also many cheap DNS providers - in the U.S. for example, prices will typically vary between $3 and $20 USD a year for a domain name, depending on its popularity, etc. 
  • If you are using a hosting provider instead of installing on a local server, hosting providers often provide free domain names or subdomains as part of their service. Ask your hosting provider for help with this step.
  • A domain name is associated with the public IP address of your installation. An IP address is a series of numbers (and sometimes letters, depending on the type) that acts as a unique identifier - it's how other devices on a network like the internet can communicate with your AtoM installation
  • To purchase and configure a domain name for a local server where you have installed AtoM, you will need to know the static IP address of your server. 
Here are a couple of general links from Digital Ocean on setting up and securing an open source stack on an Ubuntu 20.04 server (you can find 18.04 versions as well, but the instructions will be mostly the same). 
These example instructions involve installing many components that the AtoM documentation covers as well, such as Nginx, MySQL, PHP, etc. In all cases where there is overlap, you should follow the AtoM instructions instead. 

However, there are also some other helpful details in each section - for example, the Nginx section tells you how to let Nginx bypass your local firewall, how to find your server's public IP address,  and more. 

The second article will also offer some general guidance on setting up an HTTPS connection for your site using the free LetsEncrypt service. 

If all of this is new to you, I strongly recommend you consult with a more experienced IT professional or system administrator if possible! 

Good luck, 

Dan Gillean, MAS, MLIS
AtoM Program Manager
Artefactual Systems, Inc.
he / him

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