Digital objects not working

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Sir Luigi

Sep 23, 2021, 4:37:47 AM9/23/21
to AtoM Users
Good morning again.
After upgrading from version 2.2.1 to 2.6.4, I have found that everything seems to have been updated correctly except for the "digital objects" section.

When I select the option I get the following message:
Sorry, page not found

Did you type the URL correctly?
Did you follow a broken link?
Although the first time I didn't do the optional "Regenerate the digital object reference and thumbnail images" statement with the no overwrite parameter, I have later done this option and repeated the reindexing plus the cache cleanup, but the result is still the same.

If you can help me, I would appreciate it.

Thank you.

Dan Gillean

Sep 24, 2021, 8:19:54 AM9/24/21
to ICA-AtoM Users
Hello there, 

Let's begin by gathering a bit more information. 
  • Can you tell me the full version number listed in Admin > Settings of this new 2.6.x installation?
  • Have you made any changes from default installation instructions? If yes, what?
  • Did you remember to drop and recreate the database (step 4 in this section of the upgrade docs) before loading your sqldump, and run the upgrade task after it is loaded?
  • Have you configured your base URL in Admin > Settings > Site information?
  • Did you make sure to install the additional packages required for processing digital objects? See this part of the installation docs
  • Is the Gearman job scheduler installed, and the AtoM worker running? See these docs and these tips for restarting and checking status
  • When you say, "I select the option" for the digital objects, can you clarify what you mean? Do you mean clicking on an access derivative on the view page of a description to see the master digital object, or clicking the "Link digital object" option on a description, or clicking the "Upload digital objects" option on a description?
  • What is the permalink in the URL where you are seeing the "Page not found" message? It should be: 
    • If it's the link to a master digital object, it is typically /uploads/r/[repository_name]/[hash1]/[hash2]/[hash3]/filename.extension
    • If it's "Link digital object," it should be /[slug]/object/addDigitalObject
    • If it's "Upload digital objects," it should be /[slug]/informationobject/multiFileUpload
  • I would also suggest you double-check the structure of the uploads directory after you've migrated it, to make sure you haven't accidentally added an extra directory that is preventing AtoM from finding your digital objects. It should typically be /uploads/r/[repository names]/... See this section for an overview of the expected structure of the uploads directory. 
Hopefully with some further information, we can offer additional suggestions!


Dan Gillean, MAS, MLIS
AtoM Program Manager
Artefactual Systems, Inc.
he / him

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Sir Luigi

Sep 27, 2021, 2:32:37 AM9/27/21
to AtoM Users
Thank you for your reply.

I am replying with the colour of the text in green:
Let's begin by gathering a bit more information. 
  • Can you tell me the full version number listed in Admin > Settings of this new 2.6.x installation? 2.6.4
  • Have you made any changes from default installation instructions? If yes, what? No
  • Did you remember to drop and recreate the database (step 4 in this section of the upgrade docs) before loading your sqldump, and run the upgrade task after it is loaded? Yes
  • Have you configured your base URL in Admin > Settings > Site information? Yes
  • Did you make sure to install the additional packages required for processing digital objects? See this part of the installation docs Yes
  • Is the Gearman job scheduler installed, and the AtoM worker running? See these docs and these tips for restarting and checking status Yes
  • When you say, "I select the option" for the digital objects, can you clarify what you mean? Do you mean clicking on an access derivative on the view page of a description to see the master digital object, or clicking the "Link digital object" option on a description, or clicking the "Upload digital objects" option on a description? I refer to the link in the menu on the left hand side to access the digital objects (/index.php/digitalobject/browse).
  • What is the permalink in the URL where you are seeing the "Page not found" message? It should be:  /index.php/digitalobject/browse
    • If it's the link to a master digital object, it is typically /uploads/r/[repository_name]/[hash1]/[hash2]/[hash3]/filename.extension 
    • If it's "Link digital object," it should be /[slug]/object/addDigitalObject
    • If it's "Upload digital objects," it should be /[slug]/informationobject/multiFileUpload
           However, access to any digital object is correct and fully accessible. The only thing that fails is the page where all the thumbnails are displayed (/index.php/digitalobject/browse).
  • I would also suggest you double-check the structure of the uploads directory after you've migrated it, to make sure you haven't accidentally added an extra directory that is preventing AtoM from finding your digital objects. It should typically be /uploads/r/[repository names]/... See this section for an overview of the expected structure of the uploads directory. Everything is correct.

Dan Gillean

Sep 27, 2021, 9:36:15 AM9/27/21
to ICA-AtoM Users
Hi again, 

Thank you for clarifying - this helps a lot! 

In older versions of AtoM, we had a separate browse page for digital objects (/digitalobject/browse). In later versions (I can't remember exactly which, but I think it was 2.4 and later), we now use a single page template for archival description search, browse, and digital object browse, just with different parameters set for each. The new default URI for the digital object browse page is: 
  • informationobject/browse?view=card&onlyMedia=1&topLod=0
There should have been a migration task that would update this path for you during the upgrade process. It's possible that a migration didn't run correctly, or that the upgrade task was skipped - or else there is some data corruption that prevented this particular migration from running as expected. Some further suggestions to investigate:

First, we want the full version number - in the settings there should be the AtoM version number, followed by a dash and another number. The second number is the database schema version. For release 2.6.4 it should be v184 - so the full version number you should see in Admin > Settings > Global at the top of the page *should* be: 
  • 2.6.4 - 184
You can also check the full version with a command-line task as well: 
If this second number is NOT v184, then I would suggest you try the following: 
If the version is still not correct, then you may want to review the following page to check for data corruption: 
If the database schema version IS correct and you have encountered no other issues anywhere, but the browse link is still not working, it may be that it was manually edited via Admin > Menus at some point, and the manually adjusted user value is overriding any migration update. You can navigate to Admin > Menus, scroll down to the browse section, find the browseDigitalObjects menu item, and manually adjust the path to:
  • informationobject/browse?view=card&onlyMedia=1&topLod=0
Let us know what you find and how it goes!


Dan Gillean, MAS, MLIS
AtoM Program Manager
Artefactual Systems, Inc.
he / him

Sir Luigi

Sep 28, 2021, 2:54:52 AM9/28/21
to AtoM Users

First of all thank you for your help, it is greatly appreciated.

It is indeed version 2.6.4 - 184. As you indicated, I have changed the link in the menu that led to the old digital objects page to the one indicated: informationobject/browse?view=card&onlyMedia=1&topLod=0.

This change must have occurred when restoring the old database from the previous version.

The problem has therefore been solved.

Thank you.
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