Images on static pages

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Victoria West

Apr 1, 2021, 12:58:50 PM4/1/21
to AtoM Users


I would like to put images on our static pages and as there is no option to upload images to these pages I assume we will have to embed them. These images won’t be associated with any of the descriptions in the catalogue itself, so I was wondering where the best place to store these images would be.

A colleague has said that I could upload an image into the "images" directory in the root of your AtoM installation, you can then refer to the image in HTML thus: <img src="/images/myImage.png" alt="My Image"> but our catalogue is hosted by Artefactual and I'm not sure that I even have access to the root. And if I did have access I would need step-by-step instructions on how to do that.

Is the only other option to put the images on our website and link them from there?

Apologies for the basic question - we're very new to using AtoM!

Thanks, Vicky

Dan Gillean

Apr 1, 2021, 4:37:44 PM4/1/21
to ICA-AtoM Users
Hi Vicky, 

As an Artefactual hosted client, please contact us using the support email provided, and our team can offer some assistance. In the meantime, I'll provide some general public information on images and static pages below. 

You and your colleague are correct, in that there is no dedicated method in AtoM's user interface to upload digital objects for use in static pages - and that using HTML to add images via URL or local file path is the best way. We have some information on this in our documentation, here: 
Keep in mind that the src attribute in your image tag can also be a URL to any image that can be found on the public web, provided that the URL ends in the file extension - this is usually the equivalent of finding an image on a web page and then right-clicking and selecting "Open image in new tab", so you can get a URL that points directly to the jpg or png or whatever. 

So: if you have your own server for hosting your institution website, then yes, adding the images there and then linking to them in an AtoM static page will work. 

In terms of where to add them on an AtoM server - you could certainly put them in a new images directory - or you could create a subdirectory in the existing uploads directory (for example uploads/static-images/), as this way you won't forget them when moving servers or upgrading, etc. 

Hope that helps! Get in touch with our team and they'll follow up with you as needed. 


Dan Gillean, MAS, MLIS
AtoM Program Manager
Artefactual Systems, Inc.
he / him

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