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vania mercedes

Jan 31, 2024, 7:56:45 AM1/31/24
to AtoM Users
Buenos días.
Realice la configuración LDAP, sin embargo al tratar ingresar a la aplicación con un cuenta LDAP tengo el siguiente error: 
Sorry, unrecognized email or password

Donde puedo ver el motivo del error? Revisé los logs y no encuentro alguna descripción.

La configuración realizada es similar a la siguiente imagen:


Dan Gillean

Feb 1, 2024, 8:36:04 AM2/1/24
Hola Vania, 

Based on the screenshot provided, I do not see any obvious configuration errors. However, without knowing how your LDAP server is configured it is difficult to say. Right now your configuration in AtoM means that AtoM is looking for an Organization Unit (ou) called "Users", and is using a user id property (uid) as the unique element to bind an LDAP entry to a domain of

If your LDAP server does in fact have an OU configured called Users, and each account has a user ID that corresponds to the unique part of the associated email address, then as far as I can tell the configuration looks correct. It might also be a good idea to confirm the IP and port of the LDAP server. 

I have asked our system administrators for any suggestions they might have on additional logs or places you can get more information on the error, and/or how best to troubleshoot this. I will let you know if they have any additional thoughts! 


Dan Gillean, MAS, MLIS
AtoM Program Manager
Artefactual Systems, Inc.
he / him

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Dan Gillean

Feb 1, 2024, 8:55:03 AM2/1/24
Hello again,  

The first suggestion from our team is to review the IP address used. 

Do you have a test LDAP server configured on your own personal machine that you are trying to connect to? If not, then the IP address you have used is probably incorrect. is a reserved IP address, synonymous with localhost - meaning it is a "loopback" address that can connect to your machine, but not any others. See: 
Even if you DO have an LDAP server running locally for testing, I would start by reviewing the IP and port information, as it may be that you are getting the error message because it cannot find the LDAP server. 


Dan Gillean, MAS, MLIS
AtoM Program Manager
Artefactual Systems, Inc.
he / him

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