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Problems with Digital Object Path Check: Unable to open the log file

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Kerry Skinner

Nov 30, 2021, 8:33:43 AM11/30/21
to AtoM Users

I'm attempting to check my file paths before importing a csv via command line but I'm getting the following error:

 Staging:/usr/share/nginx/atom$ php symfony csv:digital-object-path-check /Documents/AtoM_Migration_Batches/Test_1 /Documents/AtoM_Migration_Batches/Test_1_local.csv
Unable to open the log file "/usr/share/nginx/atom/log/qubit_cli.log" for writing.
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I'm unclear why the log isn't opening. Any suggestion for how to fix this would be welcome.

Kind regards,

Dan Gillean

Dec 1, 2021, 9:57:16 AM12/1/21
to ICA-AtoM Users
Hi Kerry, 

I have two initial suggestions, both related to filesystem permissions. 

First, make sure they are set correctly: 
Second, in case you are logged in as a different CLI user, run the command explicitly as the www-data user - i.e. append the following to your command: 
  • sudo -u www-data
As in: 
  • sudo -u www-data php symfony csv:digital-object-path-check /Documents/AtoM_Migration_Batches/Test_1 /Documents/AtoM_Migration_Batches/Test_1_local.csv
Let us know if that helps!


Dan Gillean, MAS, MLIS
AtoM Program Manager
Artefactual Systems, Inc.
he / him

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Kerry Skinner

Dec 2, 2021, 2:25:27 AM12/2/21
Hi Dan,

Thank you. I don't know how I was logged in as a different CLI user but I was. I should have checked that myself first.

I have run into another problem. As far as I can tell my path and object names are correct but every item is listed as missing.


I also have a follow up question, most of the digitised material I am working with was captured into a folder structure that reflected the physical structure of the collection. As a result I do not have a single level that contains digital objects. Each digital object is in it's own folder 3 levels down or more. As far as I can tell the digital path check will not work with multiple levels, is this correct? 

Kind regards,

Kerry Skinner (she/her)




11 Kotze Street, Braamfontein

Johannesburg 2000 South Africa


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Dan Gillean

Dec 2, 2021, 11:14:29 AM12/2/21
to ICA-AtoM Users
Hi Kerry, 

I'm actually glad that you raised this, because it reminded me of a follow-up that had slipped my mind!

So, unfortunately I think you are encountering a bug in the task. Essentially, AtoM's CSV import works best with digital objects when an absolute path is provided. The path check task also expects you to provide a path to the directory where all of your objects are stored... but the current method we use to retrieve and check the file names drops the path, so there is no match found!

Another user just reported this recently, and also provided a suggested code fix. I had not yet filed an issue since I wanted to test the proposed solution locally and just haven't found time, but given your report I have gone ahead and filed the issue now: 
I have also copied the proposed simple code change into the ticket from the related forum thread (here) - if you want to use the task before we are able to include a fix in an upcoming release, I would suggest that you test the change suggested there. 

Sorry for the confusion! 

Regarding your additional question: 

I also have a follow up question, most of the digitised material I am working with was captured into a folder structure that reflected the physical structure of the collection. As a result I do not have a single level that contains digital objects. Each digital object is in it's own folder 3 levels down or more. As far as I can tell the digital path check will not work with multiple levels, is this correct? 

I think the task is expecting all the digital objects to be in a single directory, not a nested set of varying directory levels. I'm not sure if Scott's proposed change in the related forum thread will address this shortcoming or not, but in terms of import, so long as the correct absolute path is used and AtoM has the correct permissions to access those files, then an import should succeed with a properly prepared digitalObjectPath column in your CSV. I will need to do further testing to figure out whether or not the path check task will account for this with the proposed change. 


Dan Gillean, MAS, MLIS
AtoM Program Manager
Artefactual Systems, Inc.
he / him

Kerry Skinner

Dec 3, 2021, 7:13:45 AM12/3/21
Hi Dan,

Thank you for helping me understand the process. I will take a look at the proposed code and look forward to 2.7.

Kind regards,

Kerry Skinner (she/her)




11 Kotze Street, Braamfontein

Johannesburg 2000 South Africa


On Thu, 2 Dec 2021 at 18:14, Dan Gillean <> wrote:
Hi Kerry, 

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