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Jul 29, 2020, 7:10:43 PM7/29/20
to AtoM Users

One of our customers has some issues with finding aids.

The setting:
  • AtoM 2.5.3
  • Finding aids settings:  PDF; Inventory summary; not for public users
  • The level we're on is: Archival Institution -> Archive -> Fonds -> Series -> Sub-Series -> Item
  • All the leves are in draft mode, and none of them has a finding aid yet
While displaying the Item (selected in full-width treeview), I click on "Finding aid: generate". 

  • The page reloads but with the top level (Archive) activated. 
  • The job arFindingAidJob results in an error (see log below)
    • it tried to create a finding aid for the whole tree, from the top level on (Archive-A). But I was at item level, when clicked to generate it.
    • further error messages (image pdf logo not found is traceable and can be fixed)
[info] [2020-07-30 00:25:18] Job 142284 "arFindingAidJob": Job started.
[info] [2020-07-30 00:25:18] Job 142284 "arFindingAidJob": Generating finding aid (archive-a)...
[info] [2020-07-30 00:33:04] Job 142284 "arFindingAidJob": Running: java -jar '/usr/share/nginx/atom/lib/task/pdf/saxon9he.jar' -s:'/tmp/phpQkHLwQ' -xsl:'/usr/share/nginx/atom/lib/task/pdf/ead-pdf-inventory-summary.xsl' -o:'/tmp/phpYaNe7U' 2>&1
[info] [2020-07-30 00:33:12] Job 142284 "arFindingAidJob": Running: fop -r -q -fo '/tmp/phpYaNe7U' -pdf '/usr/share/nginx/atom/downloads/archive-a.pdf' 2>&1
[info] [2020-07-30 00:35:54] Job 142284 "arFindingAidJob": Converting the EAD FO to PDF has failed.
[info] [2020-07-30 00:35:54] Job 142284 "arFindingAidJob": ERROR(FOP): [warning] /usr/bin/fop: JVM flavor 'sun' not understood
[info] [2020-07-30 00:35:54] Job 142284 "arFindingAidJob": ERROR(FOP): [ERROR] FOUserAgent - Image not found. URI: images/pdf-logo.png. (See position 2700:68)
[info] [2020-07-30 00:35:54] Job 142284 "arFindingAidJob": ERROR(FOP): [ERROR] FOUserAgent - Image not found. URI: images/pdf-logo.png. (No context info available)
[info] [2020-07-30 00:35:54] Job 142284 "arFindingAidJob": ERROR(FOP): [INFO] FOUserAgent - Rendered page #1.
[info] [2020-07-30 00:35:55] Job 142284 "arFindingAidJob": ERROR(FOP): [WARN] FOUserAgent - Property ID "d2e29" (found on "fo:block") previously used; ID values must be unique within a document! Any reference to it will be considered a reference to the first occurrence in the document. (See position 6413:34)
[info] [2020-07-30 00:35:55] Job 142284 "arFindingAidJob": ERROR(FOP): [WARN] FOUserAgent - padding- properties are not applicable to fo:table-row, but a non-zero value for padding was found. (See position 6657:97)
[info] [2020-07-30 00:35:55] Job 142284 "arFindingAidJob": ERROR(FOP): [WARN] FOUserAgent - padding- properties are not applicable to fo:table-row, but a non-zero value for padding was found. (See position 6684:98)

... and now many many more lines like the 2 last ones ...

Can someone help, please? Thank you!


Dan Gillean

Jul 30, 2020, 2:30:01 PM7/30/20
to ICA-AtoM Users
Hi Roger, 

I will follow up with our team to see if they have any thoughts about some of the other errors you've shared here. First, a couple quick notes. 

Finding aids are always generated for the entire hierarchy, and NOT for individual descriptions. Otherwise you could have 1000 different finding aids in a hierarchy with 1000 descendants - and this wouldn't be really useful to the end user anyway - the finding aid is intended as a textual guide to / overview of the entire archival unit. This is why you're being redirected to the top-level when generating. You can trigger the generation from any level, but to clarify that it will relate to all levels (and also be available from all levels), AtoM sends you back to the parent description. 

I will see if I can learn anything further about the other errors. 


Dan Gillean, MAS, MLIS
AtoM Program Manager
Artefactual Systems, Inc.
he / him

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