[info] [2020-07-30 00:25:18] Job 142284 "arFindingAidJob": Job started.
[info] [2020-07-30 00:25:18] Job 142284 "arFindingAidJob": Generating finding aid (archive-a)...
[info] [2020-07-30 00:33:04] Job 142284 "arFindingAidJob": Running: java -jar '/usr/share/nginx/atom/lib/task/pdf/saxon9he.jar' -s:'/tmp/phpQkHLwQ' -xsl:'/usr/share/nginx/atom/lib/task/pdf/ead-pdf-inventory-summary.xsl' -o:'/tmp/phpYaNe7U' 2>&1
[info] [2020-07-30 00:33:12] Job 142284 "arFindingAidJob": Running: fop -r -q -fo '/tmp/phpYaNe7U' -pdf '/usr/share/nginx/atom/downloads/archive-a.pdf' 2>&1
[info] [2020-07-30 00:35:54] Job 142284 "arFindingAidJob": Converting the EAD FO to PDF has failed.
[info] [2020-07-30 00:35:54] Job 142284 "arFindingAidJob": ERROR(FOP): [warning] /usr/bin/fop: JVM flavor 'sun' not understood
[info] [2020-07-30 00:35:54] Job 142284 "arFindingAidJob": ERROR(FOP): [ERROR] FOUserAgent - Image not found. URI: images/pdf-logo.png. (See position 2700:68)
[info] [2020-07-30 00:35:54] Job 142284 "arFindingAidJob": ERROR(FOP): [ERROR] FOUserAgent - Image not found. URI: images/pdf-logo.png. (No context info available)
[info] [2020-07-30 00:35:54] Job 142284 "arFindingAidJob": ERROR(FOP): [INFO] FOUserAgent - Rendered page #1.
[info] [2020-07-30 00:35:55] Job 142284 "arFindingAidJob": ERROR(FOP): [WARN] FOUserAgent - Property ID "d2e29" (found on "fo:block") previously used; ID values must be unique within a document! Any reference to it will be considered a reference to the first occurrence in the document. (See position 6413:34)
[info] [2020-07-30 00:35:55] Job 142284 "arFindingAidJob": ERROR(FOP): [WARN] FOUserAgent - padding- properties are not applicable to fo:table-row, but a non-zero value for padding was found. (See position 6657:97)
[info] [2020-07-30 00:35:55] Job 142284 "arFindingAidJob": ERROR(FOP): [WARN] FOUserAgent - padding- properties are not applicable to fo:table-row, but a non-zero value for padding was found. (See position 6684:98)
... and now many many more lines like the 2 last ones ...