AtoM 2.5.3 CSV-Export double columns

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Oct 13, 2020, 9:48:35 AM10/13/20
to AtoM Users

When exporting CSV from clipboard, I get some columns twice.
for example 
  • publicationNote (both are empty in archival description row, which is correct)
  • archivistNote (both are empty in archival description, which is correct)
  • culture (both displaying "en" in the archival description, which is also correct)
  • revisionHistory (both rows showing the same correct text)
Standard language is "en" and it's also the language that was used when creating the archival description.

Why are some (many) columns included twice in the CSV? 


Dan Gillean

Oct 16, 2020, 6:19:53 PM10/16/20
to ICA-AtoM Users
Hi Roger, 

Thank you for letting us know. This sounds like a bug to me! 

I have seen this as well in some of my recent testing, though not consistently. I haven't yet had time recently to do enough detailed testing and analysis to narrow down the causes, the affected processes (e.g. is it just clipboard exports, or does it happen with CLI exports as well? is it just descriptions, or can it happen to other entity types as well?), or the consequences (e.g. are there are other columns that can be duplicated, or is it always those ones?). 

However, to help us begin to track this issue and give it more attention, with the hopes of preparing a fix for the 2.6.2 release, I have filed the following issue ticket: 
I wasn't sure if this was just a regression in our development branch from recent work, so your report is very useful, Roger - at least now we know the problem is in 2.5 as well! 

If you learn anything more, please let me know and I can update the issue ticket. In the meantime, I will try to find some time to do further testing, so we can better identify and solve the issue. 


Dan Gillean, MAS, MLIS
AtoM Program Manager
Artefactual Systems, Inc.
he / him

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Oct 20, 2020, 7:39:33 AM10/20/20
to AtoM Users
Hi Dan,

Thanks for letting me know. 
I haven't had time to do further tests. I'll reply to this post when we have more observations.


Oct 26, 2020, 10:26:17 AM10/26/20
to AtoM Users
Hi Dan

I have some more info whichI received from our customer.
Hope this helps.

I does update the description fields but only if we make the same changes in both identical columns. If I make a change only in one column and not on the other one, it will not make the change. For example:
The field revisionHistory was duplicated, so I tested three scenarios in this field:
1. If I change the first field revisionHistory (column AN) and do not change the duplicate (column BO), the item is not updated in AtoM;
2. if I change the two duplicate fields (columns AN and BO), the item is updated in AtoM;
3. If I delete all the columns that are duplicated (columns BH-CM) and update the field revisionHistory (column AN), the item is updated in AtoM.

Cheers, Roger

Dan Gillean

Oct 26, 2020, 11:08:45 AM10/26/20
to ICA-AtoM Users
Thank you Roger! 

I've added these helpful notes to the issue ticket (#13430).

Dan Gillean, MAS, MLIS
AtoM Program Manager
Artefactual Systems, Inc.
he / him

Ariel Lira

Nov 18, 2020, 5:17:16 PM11/18/20
to AtoM Users
Hi , I think I am having this same issue with duplicated columns in CSV while trying to migrate from a test server to prod.

Scenario: atom  2.5.2 test server, 303  rows. 

#export cmd
$ php symfony csv:export file.csv

# list of columns duplicated. 
- alternativeIdentifierLabels, alternativeIdentifiers, appraisal, archivistNote, culture, descriptionIdentifier, descriptionStatus, digitalObjectChecksum, eventActorHistories, eventActors, eventDates, eventDescriptions, eventEndDates, eventPlaces, eventStartDates, eventTypes, generalNote, genreAccessPoints, institutionIdentifier, languageOfDescription, levelOfDetail, nameAccessPoints, physicalObjectLocation, physicalObjectName, physicalObjectType, publicationNote, publicationStatus, revisionHistory, rules, scriptOfDescription, sources

# list of columns NOT duplicated. 
- accessConditions, accessionNumber, accruals, acquisition, archivalHistory, arrangement, digitalObjecPath, digitalObjectURI, extentAndMedium, findingAids, identifier, language, languageNote, legacyId, levelOfDescription, locationOfCopies, locationOfOriginals, parentId, physicalCharacteristics, placeAccessPoints, qubitParentSlug, relatedUnitsOfDescription, repository, reproductionConditions, scopeAndContent, script, subjectAccessPoints, title, 

#csv check in a 2.6.1 didn't notice anything  (note it sees 90 columns but only reads 60 approx)
$ php symfony csv:check-import file.csv
Analysis complete.

303 rows, 90 columns.

Empty columns:
qubitParentSlug accessionNumber archivalHistory accruals arrangement reproductionConditions script languageNote physicalCharacteristics locationOfCopies relatedUnitsOfDescription publicationNote generalNote nameAccessPoints genreAccessPoints descriptionIdentifier institutionIdentifier rules scriptOfDescription sources alternativeIdentifiers alternativeIdentifierLabels nameAccessPoints genreAccessPoints descriptionIdentifier institutionIdentifier rules scriptOfDescription sources digitalObjectURI generalNote alternativeIdentifiers alternativeIdentifierLabels publicationNote 

Multi-value columns (contain "|" character):
eventDates(8), eventTypes(8), eventStartDates(8), eventEndDates(8), eventDescriptions(8), eventActors(8), eventActorHistories(8), eventPlaces(8), physicalObjectName(1), physicalObjectLocation(1), physicalObjectType(1), subjectAccessPoints(3), placeAccessPoints(1)


Dan Gillean

Nov 20, 2020, 5:45:49 PM11/20/20
to ICA-AtoM Users
Thank you for the report, Ariel! 

We have a developer investigating this issue now. We believe we've found the cause - we just need to prepare and test a fix, so we can include it in the next bug fix release. When we have a PR prepared and tested, I will share it here, in case you would like to apply the changes locally as a patch instead of waiting for the next release.


Dan Gillean, MAS, MLIS
AtoM Program Manager
Artefactual Systems, Inc.
he / him

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