Hi Sérgio,
By default in AtoM the master digital object (i.e. the original version) is restricted for public users - the one exception to this is PDF files, since the derivative is only an image of the first page, and the PDF is unreadable online if the user cannot access the original.
If you want to save a copy of the reference display copy (i.e. the lower-resolution access copy shown on the description view page), you can generally do so by hovering over the digital object, right-clicking, and using the Save As options available.
We restrict the original uploads for public users by default to avoid accidentally exposing files that might have privacy restrictions - whether by donor agreement, copyright, policy, statute or whatever else, there are many institutions who cannot or choose not to share the master / original digital objects.
However, if you want to make the original digital objects available to public users for download, you can do so via the Groups permissions settings. To do so:
- Log in as an administrator
- Navigate to Admin > Groups
- Select the anonymous group, and enter edit mode
- Change the "View master" permissions to Grant, and save
Now public users should be able to view and download the original, full resolution digital objects. For more information on managing groups and permissions, see:
Hope that helps!