sudo php symfony propel:generate-slugs
sudo php symfony propel:build-nested-set
sudo php symfony search:populate
Search populate ran, but gave me the error:
I'm not sure if this is related to the accession record in question or not.
I then ran:
php symfony cc
sudo systemctl restart memcached
sudo systemctl restart php7.2-fpm
After that, I tried to delete the record in an incognito browser. It gave me a 500 error again.
Any suggestions on what to do next?
Thank you so much for your help,
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(side question... what does type_id=158 mean?)
One of the weird thing about this accession record is that it has so many archival descriptions listed under it that give 'Sorry, page not found' errors, including the information_object 310847 of the first image in my initial message, which I found out when I tried doing SELECT * FROM slug WHERE slug='conference-illusions-and-realities-in-the-nuclear-age-1-of-2' and it showed me that number as the object_id. Oddly, running SELECT * FROM information_object WHERE id='310847' gives an empty set. Likewise, running SELECT * FROM slug WHERE object_id NOT IN (SELECT id FROM information_object); gives me a whole 87461 rows... If I'm doing this correctly (and I'm not a professional programmer, so that's uncertain) it's like there's a ton of information objects with slugs, but that aren't listed in the information_object table. Thoughts?
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