Digital objects and menue questions

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Anne Scherman

Mar 5, 2018, 5:29:40 PM3/5/18
to AtoM Users

I have some questions on menues and settings that I needed to illustrate, so they are all in the attachement. I hope that ok? 

Best regards, 
Digital_objects and menues.pdf

Dan Gillean

Mar 5, 2018, 8:00:04 PM3/5/18
to ICA-AtoM Users
Hi Anne, 

Regarding the first question re: digital object browsing for a specific collection, and the creator name: 

My suspicion is that you're not seeing the creator name in the browse menu here because it has been added at the top level, and inherited at lower item levels. So the creator name will be visible on the view page, but when specifically in this browse page, it's not showing. Does that make sense? Additionally, in 2.4, the facets are configured not to show anything if there is 0 or 1 result - since the creator would be the same for all of these records, it's possible it's not showing for that reason. 

Users generally would get to this specific digital objet browse page from the Archival description view page for the collection, so they should have access to the creator information there, and clicking on any of the digital object thumbnails will take back to the related description's view page, where the creator name will be shown. 

I'm not sure why this would have changed in the last week however - have you recently updated your AtoM instance?

Regarding the default view for the Digital object browse page: 

There is a setting for the default archival description view (Card or Table view) in Admin > Settings > Global, but not specifically for the Digital object browse page. However, you could manually change the link in the Browse menu if you want. Navigate to Admin > Menus, find the browse menu, and click on the browseDigitalObjects link. Enter edit mode, and change the part of the Path value that says view=card to view=table - now when people click on the Digital objects link in the global Browse menu, it will display the list / table view by default. 

Note that this won't change the default view when you are coming from a particular fonds or collection using the "Browse digital objects" link in the side context menu, unfortunately. To change that, I think you would need to make changes in AtoM's code. 

For more information on working with Menus, see: 
Re: your third question about showing the name of the collection at lower levels: unfortunately, there's no way to do that without development. The description view page is showing the title of the current record selected (in the case of your screenshot, a subseries). It would be possible to have a "Part of" field display on the view page of lower-level records (similar to what appears on search/browse results for lower-level descriptions), but that would require development to implement. 

Finally, you asked about some of the modifications in the Borthwick AtoM site. 

The custom footer is part of Borthwick's custom theme plugin. We have some documentation on how to develop a custom theme plugin - in fact I answered a question about this just this morning - see: 
As for the Newest additions (instead of Popular this week), this is a custom tweak to the code that Borthwick has made - with some help from the Artefactual team. See this thread, and keep reading the later messages, for more information: 

Dan Gillean, MAS, MLIS
AtoM Program Manager
Artefactual Systems, Inc.

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