Problemas con la importación

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iighi pasantias

Aug 24, 2023, 2:51:40 PM8/24/23
to AtoM Users
Hola, comento la situación que tuvimos. Estamos usando la versión 2.6.4  y realizamos una importación de registros en csv donde nos crean nuevas taxonomías de niveles de descripción (no relaciona con los que ya están creados en la base). Mi consulta es ¿cómo hacemos relacionar los registros con las taxonomías creadas en el atom? 


Dan Gillean

Aug 24, 2023, 3:41:58 PM8/24/23
Hi there,

I am not sure I fully understand but: sometimes in non-English sites, there are problems using the existing terms, either because 1) The term does not exist in the chosen culture, or 2) The CSV does not specify a culture for each row (so it imports as English), or 3) The site's default installation culture is set to English still (this was not configured properly during installation), though most people are actually using it in another language like Spanish, etc. 

So, if you want to use existing level of description terms in AtoM when you import, then make sure that: 
  • The term you want to use exists in the taxonomy in the correct culture
  • You are specifying the matching culture in the CSV's culture column
  • The term is spelled identically in AtoM as it is in your CSV
So, for example, let's say that you want to use the  Spanish term "Sub-séries" (i.e. Subseries in English) as a level of description. You should: 
  1. Ideally, ensure that your default installation culture is properly set to Spanish for your site if that is what you are using - this can be checked in the apps/qubit/config/settings.yml file
  2. Navigate to Manage > Taxonomies, find the English "Subseries" term - use the Language menu to change the site to Spanish. Is there already a translation? If yes, great! If no, enter edit mode and add it. Save. 
  3. Now, in your CSV: 
    • Make sure that for each row, you properly set the culture column value to es (for Spanish)
    • In the levelOfDescription column, make sure the spelling is IDENTICAL to what is used in AtoM
Please let me know if I am not properly understanding the issue. Any further information you can provide - for example, step by step instructions on how I can recreate the problem locally - will help me give better suggestions. 


Dan Gillean, MAS, MLIS
AtoM Program Manager
Artefactual Systems, Inc.
he / him

On Thu, Aug 24, 2023 at 2:51 PM iighi pasantias <> wrote:
Hola, comento la situación que tuvimos. Estamos usando la versión 2.6.4  y realizamos una importación de registros en csv donde nos crean nuevas taxonomías de niveles de descripción (no relaciona con los que ya están creados en la base). Mi consulta es ¿cómo hacemos relacionar los registros con las taxonomías creadas en el atom? 


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iighi pasantias

Aug 28, 2023, 12:37:52 PM8/28/23
to AtoM Users
Gracias Dan ya solucionamos. El problema que teníamos era que no indicamos el idioma del campo "culture" en el CSV. 

Por otro lado, tenemos una duda con respecto a vincular descripciones con niveles superiores que ya se encuentran cargados en el sistema. Es decir, vincular una serie documental con una Sección o Subfondo. De acuerdo a la documentación debemos pegar el URL en la columna  qubitParentSlug ¿Esto se debe replicar en todos los registros? En las columnas legacyId y parentId ¿se debe completar con el identificador único? 


Dan Gillean

Aug 28, 2023, 2:31:34 PM8/28/23
Hi again, 

Gracias Dan ya solucionamos. El problema que teníamos era que no indicamos el idioma del campo "culture" en el CSV.
Great news! I'm glad to hear you have made some progress!

De acuerdo a la documentación debemos pegar el URL en la columna qubitParentSlug 

The qubitParentSlug column can be used when you want to import new descriptions via CSV as children of an existing description in AtoM. In this case, you should add JUST the slug - i.e. the unique part of the URL at the end, not the whole URL - to the column. 

For example, if your AtoM site's base URL is, and you have an existing series description in AtoM like this: 
Then in the CSV, you only would add serie-documental-uno to the qubitParentSlug column.

¿Esto se debe replicar en todos los registros?

In all CSV rows that you wish to import as children of serie-documental-uno

En las columnas legacyId y parentId ¿se debe completar con el identificador único? 

legacyId - yes. It is always a good idea to have a unique value in the legacyId column for every row in your CSV. 

parentId - no. You can use qubitParentSlug OR parentId in a single row, but you cannot use both at once in a single row. If you add both values in a single row, AtoM will use the qubitParentSlug value, and ignore the parentId value. 

  • parentId is for linking to other descriptions in your CSV
  • qubitParentSlug is for linking to existing descriptions in your AtoM installation. 
 It is only in English right now (sorry), but here is the section in the documentation on hierarchical relationships in CSV imports: 

Dan Gillean, MAS, MLIS
AtoM Program Manager
Artefactual Systems, Inc.
he / him

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