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Introducing the AtoM Maintainers

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Jennifer Roberts

Jan 30, 2023, 6:19:42 PM1/30/23
to AtoM Users
I'd like to welcome and introduce a new team at Artefactual - our Maintainers.  I hope the community will soon get to know Anvit, Dhwani, TJ, and Douglas who is taking on a new role in the company.

This group of developers has, as their primary responsibility, the maintenance of the AtoM and Archivematica code bases.  This includes engaging with the broader AtoM community to address questions, solve problems, and respond to code contributions. We are really pleased to have a dedicated group of folks focusing on keeping AtoM healthy, stable, and happy for years to come.

You can read the announcement here:

Kind regards,

Jenn Roberts (she/her)
Systems Archivist, Business Development Team
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