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Linking accession records to archival descriptions on import

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May 27, 2019, 7:39:41 AM5/27/19
to AtoM Users
Would welcome advice on the best way to import archival descriptions and related accession records.

I have a csv file with accession data in and can import that into atom with no problems through the user interface.

I am working on getting my data into the appropriate format (using RAD csv template) for csv import via the user interface.

How do I get atom to make the link between my accession records and my archival descriptions? Which do I need to import first?

I've read through the csv import documentation but just can't figure it out.

Any help much appreciated.


Dan Gillean

May 27, 2019, 11:34:25 AM5/27/19
to ICA-AtoM Users
Hi Linda, 

If you've already imported the accessions, and are importing new descriptions you would like to link to accession records: 

In your archival description CSV, you can add a column called accessionNumber. If you add the unique accession number of an existing accession, AtoM will link your description to it on import. This is mentioned briefly in the documentation here: 
If you've already imported your descriptions, and would like to link new accession records during a CSV import:

You can add the slug of your target description to a column in the accessions CSV template called qubitParentSlug. On import, your new accession record will be linked to the related description. See: 

Dan Gillean, MAS, MLIS
AtoM Program Manager
Artefactual Systems, Inc.

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