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Treeview loading slow when the collection more than 1000

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Oct 20, 2023, 3:26:44 PM10/20/23
to AtoM Users
I recently upgraded to v2.7.1, and I've noticed that the treeview loads slowly when the collection has a large number of items, for example, when there are 4500+ items in the collection. This issue was not present in the earlier version.

I have tried the following troubleshooting steps:
1. Rebuilding the Nested Set.
2. Rebuilding the search index and clearing the cache.

However, these actions did not resolve the issue.



Oct 20, 2023, 3:29:34 PM10/20/23
to AtoM Users
But if the colletion is in short items, even there are 2 or 3 sub-levels, no such performance issue.   

Dan Gillean

Oct 24, 2023, 10:01:26 AM10/24/23
Hi Di, 

A few initial questions: 
  • What was the previous version you were running?
  • What is the value you have set in the Items Per Page setting for the full-width treeview?
  • Does your installation meet or surpass the recommended hardware minimums?
Processor: 2 vCPUs @ 2.3GHz
Memory: 7GB
Disk space (processing): 50GB at a minimum for AtoM’s core stack plus more storage would be required for supporting any substantial number of digital objects.

There are some known issues we have been attempting to address across multiple releases with the full-width treeview's behavior on large hierarchies. If you'd like to read about some of the history and known issues prior to the most recent version, there is a PDF attached to this legacy issue ticket with more context: 
Note that neither of the proposed solutions in that document have been implemented - though rather than adding a setting to disable paging in the treeview (originally added to help with performance, so the site is not trying to fetch and load thousands and thousands of records at once), we instead did some testing and now allow the Items Per Page setting to be set as high as 10,000 instead. If you have more than 10,000 direct child recodds from a parent top-level record, honestly it will help your site to page after that anyway, as attempting to load any more would definitely impact performance. 

In any case, I will make the Maintainers aware of this thread so they can track these kinds of reports and potentially investigate further. In the meantime, let me know about those initial questions and we can go from there. 


Dan Gillean, MAS, MLIS
AtoM Program Manager
Artefactual Systems, Inc.
he / him

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Oct 24, 2023, 10:44:03 AM10/24/23
to AtoM Users
Hi Dan, thanks for the reply. 

Regards to the initial questions. 
  • What was the previous version you were running?   ----- Previous Version is Atom 2.6.4 / Ubuntu 18.04 / RAM 8GB, 2vCPU 
  • What is the value you have set in the Items Per Page setting for the full-width treeview?  --- 10000 items per page , Full Width (identifier -- Yes --- No)
  • Does your installation meet or surpass the recommended hardware minimums?  New environment: 2vCPU, 8GB and 100GB Harddisk (24% Used), / Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS, even I tested on an 8vCPU and 32GB cloud hosting, still same issue.
These 4500+ items locate under Level 2 folder. 


Dan Gillean

Oct 24, 2023, 11:47:22 AM10/24/23
Thanks for sharing these details! 

I will pass this information on to our Maintainers, so they can track this report for themselves and determine next steps.


Dan Gillean, MAS, MLIS
AtoM Program Manager
Artefactual Systems, Inc.
he / him

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