Use of submissionDocumentation content through AtoM and beyond...

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romain guedj

May 10, 2021, 9:26:49 AM5/10/21
to AtoM Users

Hi All,

Based on the submission documentation definition provided by the doc (pasted bellow), I am wondering if those materials could be accessible from Atom. 
Actually, some documentation could be precious for our archivist to organize the structure of a fond (letter from donator, data collected during the appraisal). It is very interesting to keep this documentation preserved into the AIP but it would be great to get it accessible to our archivist through AtoM. submissionDocumentation folder could be kept in draft status to avoid any access to anonymous user. 

Would it be possible that AtoM harvests submissionDocumention content ?

Question to the commmunity:

How do you preserve and access to documentation related to digital object through your workflow ?

Thank you for sharing your experience.


"Submission documentation is a concept in Archivematica that accounts for materials that are related to the digital objects being preserved, but aren’t strictly part of the collection - for example, donor agreements, correspondence about the materials, conservation reports, etc. If Archivematica sees that a transfer includes submission documentation, it can include descriptions of this material in the AIP METS file."

Dan Gillean

May 11, 2021, 10:34:43 AM5/11/21
to ICA-AtoM Users
Hi Romain, 

An interesting topic! 

Unfortunately, at this time it's not possible for submission documentation to be uploaded to AtoM without further development - currently only those files that are located directly under the objects directory are treated as preservation objects, given access derivatives, and uploaded to AtoM as part of the DIP. You could perhaps put a copy of them in as DIP objects, or you could manually upload a reference copy in AtoM, knowing that another version will be stored in the AIP - I'm sure there are a number of other workarounds, but none will be ideal without some analysis, design, and development. 

Something we hope to support in the future is the ability to attach files to accession records - I wonder if this might end up being a better fit for these kinds of documents, given that the examples you give sound very related to the accession process, and they are records you don't want your public users accessing. Just a thought!


Dan Gillean, MAS, MLIS
AtoM Program Manager
Artefactual Systems, Inc.
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romain guedj

May 11, 2021, 10:57:34 AM5/11/21
to AtoM Users

Hi Dan and All,

Thanks again for your answer. Yes it is clear that those materials should  be kept out of anonymous user access.
In the meantime, AtoM is also a tool used though the accessioning process. Of course different practices may exist, currently part of rearrangement of the levels of an archive is done through AtoM.

I hope some feedback on the management of documentation related to objects could be discussed and shared here.


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