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Issues uploading digital objects

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Roberto Bosshardt

Apr 2, 2021, 9:52:09 AM4/2/21
to AtoM Users
Hi there

There are some issuess when uploading digital objects by using Vagrant on Windows. 

Sorry, something went wrong.
The server returned a 500 Internal Server Error.

What I should do? 

Many thanks 

Dan Gillean

Apr 5, 2021, 9:27:41 AM4/5/21
to ICA-AtoM Users
Hi Roberto, 

Any time you encounter a 500 error, the first thing we recommend is to check the webserver logs for more information on the nature of the error.

If you have followed our recommended installation instructions (and this will work with the Vagrant box), you can check the most recent error log entries with:
  • sudo tail -f /var/log/nginx/error.log
Feel free to share any related error message you find here if you're not sure how to proceed, and we will try to offer suggestions on next steps.

I suspect that the job scheduler may need to be configured, or restarted. The details for installing the job scheduler (Gearman) can be found here: 

In the vagrant box, the job scheduler should come pre-configured, so you shouldn't need to manually install it. However, it's possible that the job scheduler simply needs a restart. You will know this is the case if you look in the error logs and see a message like, "No Gearman worker available that can handle the job."

To restart the atom-worker, see:

Some notes on this:

  • You can check the status of the atom-worker at any time with: sudo systemctl status atom-worker.This is useful to make sure the restart was successful.

  •  When the worker dies, AtoM will attempt to automatically restart it - however, to prevent the system from being caught in an endless loop, we added a restart limit - 3 retries every 24 hours. You can reset this fail limit with the following command:

  • sudo systemctl reset-failed atom-worker

  • Then run the restart command again if the previous attempts didn't work. 

If none of these suggestions help to resolve the issue, and/or this is not what you find in the error logs, then please let us know what you discover and we can provide further suggestions. 


Dan Gillean, MAS, MLIS
AtoM Program Manager
Artefactual Systems, Inc.
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