How to edit which fields are generated in a report ?

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Tanis Franco

Apr 9, 2020, 1:33:01 PM4/9/20
to AtoM Users
Is there a way to edit the number of fields that are generated in a report (file list, item list, etc)? Right now when I generate File list I get 
referenceCode title dates startDate accessConditions locations

but I want more! Basically all fields. How do I edit this?

Thank you!

Dan Gillean

Apr 9, 2020, 4:07:01 PM4/9/20
to ICA-AtoM Users
Hi Tanis, 

It will require development to customize the reports. However, I believe the code in question can be seen here: 
It looks to me like the fields are being defined in lines 202-210. However, I'm not sure if it will work to just plunk a new field in there! Worth a try perhaps, but test something like this in a local vagrant box, and NOT in your production site

There is also this file: 
I think this file just handles triggering the request for the report however, it looks like the job file linked above actually includes the contents of the report. 

Another thought: if you are looking for nearly every field, why not use one of the CSV export options? For example, you could:
  1. Navigate to the top level record that has the files you want a report on
  2. Click the "Browse as list" option in the right sidebar - this will take you to a search results page limited to the current archival unit
  3. Use the facets to limit the results to File level descriptions
  4. Use other filters and facets to refine the results as desired
  5. Click the "Export CSV" button at the top of the results
This will give you a CSV of all the descriptions in your search results. Documentation here: 
You could also use the clipboard to export the hierarchy, and then in a spreadsheet application sort by levelOfDescription and just delete any rows you are not interested in. 


Dan Gillean, MAS, MLIS
AtoM Program Manager
Artefactual Systems, Inc.
he / him

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