Treeview sort order -- changeable?

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S Bowyer

Dec 4, 2020, 8:44:11 AM12/4/20
to AtoM Users
Apologies if this has been discussed previously -- I had a search and couldn't find anything.

(I'm running AtoM 2.6.0 in case that's relevant) 

My treeview (full-width) displays the newest-added descriptions within an existing hierarchy lower down the tree. I understand that this is the normal behavious for AtoM. 

However, in my case, it would make more sense for descriptions within a hierarchy to be ordered by identifier (ascending).

Is there any way to do this on AtoM? 
Or must I make my peace with ascending order by date of creation?

Dan Gillean

Dec 8, 2020, 10:10:29 AM12/8/20
to ICA-AtoM Users
Hello there, 

Unfortunately at this time the full-width treeview does not have sort options. You can use the qubitParentSlug column during a CSV import to make the incoming child descriptions attach to a specific parent (by adding the slug of the parent in this column). By default, siblings should show up in the order that they appear in the treeview. Additionally, once in the treeview, you can drag and drop siblings to reorder them - note that you can't currently drag them to different parent descriptions (such as moving a file from one series to another), but reordering the siblings is possible. 

The sidebar treeview does have more sort options, but.... they are buggy! And it's going to take some significant development for us to re-engineer both treeviews to have proper sorting options. For more details on the backstory and options for development, please see this older thread: 

Dan Gillean, MAS, MLIS
AtoM Program Manager
Artefactual Systems, Inc.
he / him

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S Bowyer

Dec 8, 2020, 11:40:40 AM12/8/20
to AtoM Users
Hi Dan, 

Thanks for your response. Not to worry -- just wanted to check I wasn't missing something. For now I'll stick to reordering siblings when needed using drag and drop. 


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