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Feb 3, 2017, 6:38:48 AM2/3/17
to AtoM Users

Nowadays I have ATOM 2.3 in my computer running perfectly.

But now, my goal is export datas of my database to ATOM's database. 

1.- I have created a simple 'Place' filling all its fields.

2.- I have exported this Place into a XML file.

3.- I have removed this Place in order to import in the next step.

4.- I have imported the XML file into ATOM  to see how ATOM works. Nevertheless, I can see the Place but not of all its field have been filled. Do you know why? I thought that it should be as at first, don't it?

Thank you!

Dan Gillean

Feb 3, 2017, 3:33:43 PM2/3/17
to ICA-AtoM Users
Hi there,

What fields are you missing from the SKOS XML export?

There are a couple things I've noticed that we should clarify in our documentation. First is that there are a couple fields with no equivalent currently mapped to the SKOS export - namely, the Code field (used for adding latitude and longitude coordinates), and Converse relationships (used for bidirectional linking of authority records), and the Display note (used to add alternative ways of referencing terms such as event type terms, creator vs. creation) - these 3 fields are for internal use in AtoM and, that I know of, do not have an equivalent in SKOS.

The second issue worth mentioning is that, while your SKOS XML might point to other terms (e.g. related terms), unless they are included in the taxonomy that you are exporting, then AtoM may not create them on import. I'd have to do a bit more testing to figure out what the line is here, but if you export a term from a level where there is still a broader term above it (e.g. Canada > British Columbia > Vancouver, and you export at "British Columbia"), AtoM will not create the parent term (in this example "Canada") on re-import, as the ful term is not included in the SKOS.

I did test this, and noticed that the source note information does not seem to be exporting - so I have filed a bug ticket here:

Hopefully at some point we can address this.


Dan Gillean, MAS, MLIS
AtoM Program Manager
Artefactual Systems, Inc.

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Feb 6, 2017, 4:51:04 AM2/6/17
to AtoM Users,

Thank you Dan!

I get your point.

Anyway, I would like to export all the fields of my Places, I mean, can I export all the fields into XML in another way? Or is it not possible through SKOS? Should I change something in my configuration?

As you can imagine, up to now I have been working with another software and I want to export all my database to ATOM. I am analyzing the Export/Import tools and I cannot imagine that there is not a alternative method to export all the fields of 'Place'. Which would be the correct way?


Feb 6, 2017, 4:53:14 AM2/6/17
to AtoM Users,
Excuse me, the only fields that ATOM export are Name, Use for and Scope Note.
The rest of fields don't display in the XML...

Dan Gillean

Feb 10, 2017, 3:49:13 PM2/10/17
to ICA-AtoM Users,
I've tested this again, and other data, such as links to related terms, narrower terms, broader terms (when included as part of the export) do seem to be working in AtoM at present. Were your taxonomy terms added manually through the user interface, or via an import? If via import, and the import was done through the user interface, it is possible with larger files that the process timed out mid-process, laving partial/incomplete/corrupted data. You can try reindexing (php symfony search:populate) to see if it helps, but if the issue is a result of corrupted data, it is usually more involved to troubleshoot this.

Otherwise, I'm not sure what to recommend. I'm attaching a sample I've made with some fake test data in 2.3 - note that for broader/related/narrower terms, only a pointer is included until later in the file when the actual term is fully described.

Dan Gillean, MAS, MLIS
AtoM Program Manager
Artefactual Systems, Inc.

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