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Xampp HTTP error 500

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Hervé-Pierre Ngandu

Apr 12, 2022, 7:53:31 AM4/12/22
to AtoM Users
Can anyone help me with the Xampp install for Atom 2.6. I made changes to the PHP code so it no longer has the curly braces however, now I'm getting a HTTP 500 error. 

I have to emphasize that I cannot put this in a Linux environment, my company does not allow our websites be hosted on a Linux server.

Thank you for all your help. 

Dan Gillean

Apr 13, 2022, 8:47:15 AM4/13/22
to ICA-AtoM Users
Hello Hervé-Pierre, 

At Artefactual we do not test or develop with Xampp so hopefully someone in our community can offer further guidance to you. A couple thoughts however: 

First, unless you are an experienced Xampp user and are able to customize your setup for scalability and security, my understanding is that out of the box Xampp is NOT recommended for use in production. It is primarily intended as a local development environment. Be sure to read up on what is recommended to make it secure for production use! 

Ultimately, finding a general production-ready virtual appliance with a base Ubuntu 18.04 image will likely be the best way to virtualize AtoM on a different type of server. That way, you can simply follow the default installation instructions inside your VM. See: 
Artefactual does provide a Vagrant box as an easy way to set up the application on a local computer for testing and development. See: 
However, much like Xampp, this VM is NOT configured for use in production! It is primarily to support easy local testing and development, and does not come configured for persistent use or the type of scalability required to use it on the public web. 

Alternatively, you can also look at cloud-hosted solutions, so nothing needs to be installed locally. Artefactual offers AtoM hosting plans for example - see our website for further information. There are other vendors offering AtoM hosting as well, and many general cloud VM hosting services into which you could install AtoM.

Good luck! 

Dan Gillean, MAS, MLIS
AtoM Program Manager
Artefactual Systems, Inc.
he / him

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