Field Language and script notes cannot be edited after duplicating archival description

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Basil Marti

Mar 27, 2023, 8:57:47 AM3/27/23
to AtoM Users

When duplicating an archival description it is possible to change the copy before saving it. This does not work with the field "Language and script notes". Changes to this field are not saved and you have to edit the description a second time in order that changes are registered.

We encoutered this problem on one of our AtoM servers running 2.6.4 - 184. It can also be reproduced on the public demo environment (

Steps to reproduce:

  • Create a new archival description (using the ISAD(G), 2nd edition template) , fill out the field "Language and script notes" and save it by clicking on "Create".
  • Duplicate the newly created record and modify the field "Language and script notes" (either change it to some other value or delete the content of the field). Save the modified description by clicking on "Save"
  • Result: The duplicated record is saved, but the field "Language and script notes" still contains the value of the original description.
So far we this seems only the happen with this specific field, other fields can be edited after duplicating works correctly.

Maybe this is related to previous problems with the same field (see

Best regards

Basil Marti

Dan Gillean

Mar 27, 2023, 2:40:11 PM3/27/23
Hi Basil, 

Thank you very much for this report. For now, I have pretty much copied this report into an issue ticket almost verbatim, here: 
Our team will start by doing some testing, first to confirm if this affects 2.7 (and if yes, whether it affects the Bootstrap 2 templates, the BS5 ones, or both). If we can reproduce it, then the Maintainer team will add the issue to their backlog, and hopefully we can address this in a future release. I'm glad to hear that in the meantime there's a slightly onerous yet viable workaround available! 


Dan Gillean, MAS, MLIS
AtoM Program Manager
Artefactual Systems, Inc.
he / him

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