Share OAI repository with Hispana

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May 26, 2023, 6:23:28 AM5/26/23
to AtoM Users
Good morning, we are trying to share our repository with the HISPANA web ( and they tell us that they have problems when collecting information with this URL:

We are not clear why it only returns information from one of the funds. We would like to know what it should return and how we can configure it correctly. Thanks in advance and greetings.

Dan Gillean

May 26, 2023, 10:04:54 AM5/26/23
Hi Isabel, 

Please review the documentation on the supported OAI-PMH verbs here: 
You are using the Get Record verb in the URL example you provided, which is intended to return one record - you have even included an identifier in that URL to tell AtoM which specific record you want returned! 

If you want all records, you will need to use the List Records verb:
Hope that helps! 


Dan Gillean, MAS, MLIS
AtoM Program Manager
Artefactual Systems, Inc.
he / him

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May 29, 2023, 4:28:33 AM5/29/23
to AtoM Users
Good morning, thanks for the answer. I have already reviewed all the documentation on the Atom website regarding the OAI repository.

I get each one of the descriptions correctly and if I want to access the digital objects I use the identifier tag of a specific one, for example:

Although I don't understand why the <about> tag appears, according to Hispana it is not the format they expected.

Could you clarify it for me? thanks and regards

Dan Gillean

May 30, 2023, 8:33:54 AM5/30/23
Hi Isabel, 

The Get Record examples in the documentation include the following: 

If the resource has a digital object attached, AtoM will include a link to the digital object in the OAI response, using AtomSyndication format XML

When our team first implemented the OAI-PMH support, this was the best solution for including related digital object information that they could find. If you're able to find specific guidance on best practice implementations for this - or even examples of de facto best practice implementations used and supported by many, feel free to open an issue ticket with this information and our Maintainers can consider updating this for the future. 


Dan Gillean, MAS, MLIS
AtoM Program Manager
Artefactual Systems, Inc.
he / him

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