Hi Vicky,
We did not intentionally make changes that would require an institution identifier to be added to top-level descriptions to be able to generate a finding aid. Consequently, if I am able to reproduce this, I would consider it a bug / regression.
Do you know how this description was created (e.g. via the user interface, via EAD XML import, via CSV import, etc)? If it was created via import, have you tried to reproduce this on a description created via the user interface?
Anything else about the record causing this error I should know when trying to reproduce - e.g. does it have translations / was it created in a different culture than your default installation culture?
Anything I should know about your installation? For example:
- Have you followed the recommended installation instructions? If you've made changes, what changes have you made?
- Was this upgrade a brand new installation (where you followed the upgrade instructions to migrate your data), or have you tried upgrading in place?
I will see if I can recreate what you describe, but any further information you can provide that might help me reproduce the correct conditions will be helpful. Thanks!