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Display images, videos, pdfs from AWS S3 ?

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Carlos Moreno

Feb 20, 2024, 8:02:16 AM2/20/24
to AtoM Users
Hello to all the members of the group.

I am trying to propose an architecture where an AtoM can display images, PDFs or Videos stored in Amazon Web Services S3 through URls

Has anyone had experience with it?

It's possible?

Dan Gillean

Feb 20, 2024, 8:17:28 AM2/20/24
Hi Carlos, 

It will depend on how the links S3 can provide are formatted. To be able to successfully link and display a digital object in AtoM from a URI  (i.e., when AtoM will generate local derivatives for display in search and browse results, but instead of storing the original object, will store the link path instead), there are 3 rbasic equirements: 
  1. The digital object must be publicly accessible: no password prompts, firewalls, captchas, agreement pop-ups, or similar should be present, or AtoM will not be able to access the digital object. 
  2. The digital object URL must be an HTTP or HTTPS URL: It must be on the public web. No FTP links, local share drives, etc. 
  3. The digital object URL must end in the file extension of the target digital object:  This is the most misunderstood one. This is akin to finding an image on a web page, right-clicking on it, and selecting "open image in new tab," and then using THAT URL. Without a direct link, AtoM will not be able to retrieve the target digital object to generate derivatives. Some Digital Asset Management Systems do not provide such links - they will provide a DOI or similar, that leads to a themed page in the repository that includes the digital object - but not a direct raw link to the original object itself. As an example, attempting to use a YouTube video link will not work as expected in AtoM - because YouTube purposefully does not provide direct access to the original mp4 or avi file (to prevent users from downloading and saving their videos). If you cannot save a local copy of the target digital object via your browser, then you will also not be able to use the link in AtoM and successfully generate the reference copy and thumbnail derivatives. 
For general instructions on how to link a digital object to a description, see: 

Dan Gillean, MAS, MLIS
AtoM Program Manager
Artefactual Systems, Inc.
he / him

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Carlos Moreno

Feb 20, 2024, 1:49:54 PM2/20/24
Thank you very much Dan. I have tried storing objects in S3 and calling them from AtoM. Indeed, the ACLs of the buckets must be configured so that they are public and the AtoM can access them.

It turned out great and makes mass importing much easier.

Thanks Dan.

Carlos Moreno
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