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Upgrading to Atom 2.6 advice please.

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Tim Wise

Sep 6, 2020, 10:12:10 PM9/6/20
to AtoM Users
Good morning all, I have inherited an ATOM 2.3 installation running on a Ubuntu 14.04
as a HyperV VM. All to support one User.

I'm face with the task of upgrading to ATOM 2.6 and potentially Ubuntu as well.

Any advice on how to go about it as there is a cascading set of dependencies?
Also we are 99 percent a Windows Shop.

Realize the the Vagrant VM is not for production but it is only for one user.
Could we run up a later version, migrate to HyperV and pull the data across?

Thanks for your time.

Tim W

Dan Gillean

Sep 7, 2020, 3:48:47 PM9/7/20
to ICA-AtoM Users
Hi Tim, 

Please check out our Upgrading instructions. The upgrade process basically involves installing a new verison of AtoM alongside an older one, and then copying over the data. This should hopefully be especially useful for you since you'll be jumping to a new Ubuntu version as well - there's no reason you can't extract the data from your 14.04 installation VM, destroy the VM, build a new 18.04 VM, install AtoM on it, and then use the Upgrading instructions to load your legacy data into the new instance.

There are several reasons why we don't recommend the Vagrant box as a production environment. Some of these reasons include:
  • Limited resources that aren't built for scale: even with just one user, if you end up with thousands of records or more, then the limited CPU, disk space, and memory assigned to the box could become an issue over time
  • Not designed for persistence: the Vagrant environment was intended as a temp development environment and not something constantly running. It doesn't provide you with the kind of VM tooling to scale up on demand as needed, etc
  • Designed for local use: typically, the Vagrant box is accessed via a locally assigned IP address, and isn't intended to be available on the web
None of these issues are insurmountable for production use with some thought and effort, but you'd probably save more time in the long run just creating a new production-ready VM on your Windows server and installing AtoM there.


Dan Gillean, MAS, MLIS
AtoM Program Manager
Artefactual Systems, Inc.
he / him

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Tim Wise

Sep 7, 2020, 8:33:07 PM9/7/20
to AtoM Users
Thanks for the prompt reply Dan, very much appreciated.
Will follow your recommendation to build a new ATOM installation on Ubuntu 18.04 and do a data migration.

Did try to upgrade Ubuntu on a clone and toasted ATOM. (or nginx, 502 gateway not found)

Thanks again.


Tim Wise

Sep 11, 2020, 12:01:06 AM9/11/20
to AtoM Users
Hello Dan, thanks again for the install instructions.
Although initially somewhat daunted by the task the quality of the installation instructions is excellent
and I have test install up and running. The only thing I trip on was the install of MysQL 8.0 were I should
have chose the legacy authentication to maintain  interoperability with 5.x.

Cam you point me in the right direction for migrating the data from my old 2.3 to the new 2.6 install?



Dan Gillean

Sep 11, 2020, 4:54:14 PM9/11/20
to ICA-AtoM Users
Hi Tim, 

Once you have a new installation set up, the process for migrating data from an older instance to your new installation is described in our Upgrading documentation, here:
The data elements that matter are really:
  • The database contents
  • The uploads directory, which contains digital objects
  • The downloads directory, which contains  generated or uploaded finding aids, locally cached XML, and/or reports
Other elements are either already included, or are disposable. For example, the search index - we can rebuild this with a single command in your new 2.6 site once we've migrated the database. 

More details on what you will find in the uploads and downloads directories and how they are organized can be found here, if you are curious. 

At a very high level, the Upgrade process described in the documentation is: 
  1. Make a copy of your uploads directory and your downloads directory, and put these in the right place on the new server. Example commands are given in the upgrade instructions.
  2. Make a sqldump of your 2.3 database. This is also shown in the upgrade instructions, but you can find more information here and here
  3. Drop and recreate the database in your new installation - this ensures everything is clear, and that the correct collation and character set formats are used
  4. Load the sqldump from your 2.3 instance into your 2.6 database
  5. Run the upgrade task
  6. Clear the application cache and re-populate the search index
  7. Restart services
  8. Finally, if you have a locally developed custom theme, we offer a few suggestions on things to check that you might need to update when reapplying it to a new installation. 
Let us know how it goes!

Dan Gillean, MAS, MLIS
AtoM Program Manager
Artefactual Systems, Inc.
he / him

Tim Wise

Sep 15, 2020, 9:13:57 PM9/15/20

Thanks again Dan for the very clear and concise instructions.

Managed the migration on the second attempt, HyperV checkpoints

came in very handy.

Only had a few minor issue most resolved by adding "sudo" to the start of the command.

Just waiting for our archivist to sign off that the migration has been successful.

Thanks again for the support.

Tim Wise

From: <> on behalf of Dan Gillean <>
Sent: Saturday, 12 September 2020 6:54:00 AM
To: ICA-AtoM Users
Subject: Re: [atom-users] Upgrading to Atom 2.6 advice please.

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