Upgrade atom 2.5 to 2.6 error install MySQL 8

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Jan 18, 2021, 9:00:00 AM1/18/21
to AtoM Users

Good morning, I am updating atom 2.5 to 2.6 and I have to update MySQL to version 8. But doing it gives me an error. I already updated it on a development server but I did not have Percona Server installed with MySQL version 5.7. I don't know if that's the reason why it fails me now. Regards.

Dan Gillean

Jan 18, 2021, 12:16:59 PM1/18/21
to ICA-AtoM Users
Hi Isabel, 

First, some of our more generic recommendations: please make sure that you read and follow closely the requirements, upgrading, and installation instructions for 2.6:
Some things we find people often miss during upgrades that can cause issues: 

First, note that with major version upgrades, you can't "upgrade in place" by upgrading the dependencies of an existing installation. You need to install a new version of AtoM alongside your old version with the new dependencies, move your data into it, run the upgrade task, and restart services, as per our Upgrading documentation

Note as well that while we used to recommend the Percona community fork for AtoM installations, with MySQL 8.0, we have found inconsistent full feature support in some community versions and instead are recommending installing the default MySQL community version. This is covered in the MySQL section of the installation documentation: 
During the installation of 2.6, many people seem to overlook setting the SQL modes for the MySQL database. MySQL 5.7 and later include a default SQL mode called STRICT_TRANS_TABLES that is known to cause issues in AtoM at present. If you miss the step where we set the correct ones during installation, this can cause 500 errors. See the thread below for further information and links to instructions on how you can check and change the MySQL 8.0 SQL modes: 
Next, we find that during upgrades, people often miss the step where you drop and recreate the database - it's outlined in steps 3 and 4 of this section: 

3. If you’re upgrading from 2.5.x or lower to 2.6.x or higher make sure your data is on utf8mb3 or utf8 (the default if you followed the installation documentation) and that you are using MySQL 8.0 as that’s a requirement since AtoM 2.6. During the upgrade task, your data will be transformed to the utf8mb4 charset and the utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci collation.

4. Re-create the database with the new charset and collation:

mysql -u username -p -e "DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS atom;"
mysql -u username -p -e "CREATE DATABASE atom CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci;"

This is typically done before you load your 2.5.x data. Additionally, after dropping and recreating the database, but BEFORE loading your backup, you can also try to run the tools:purge command-line task. This will flush any data from the db, which can sometimes be useful after multiple installation attempts. Remember, be sure you have a copy of your sqldump outside of AtoM before running this - everything will be deleted!
  • php symfony tools:purge
When you run the task, AtoM will purge everything and then prompt you for a new site name and description and admin user credentials. It doesn't really matter what you enter at this stage, because they will be overwritten once you load your SQL dump again. Once this is complete, you can reload the sqldump. 

We have also found that sometimes people forget to run the upgrade task after loading their sqldump. This is a critical step in the upgrade process! See: 
It's also really important to reindex the site and restart services such as PHP-FPM, etc. See the rest of the upgrading documentation for further suggestions. 

Finally, if you are installing your new AtoM 2.6 version on the same server as your older 2.5 instance, then remember that you may have conflicts between versions of the requirements (e.g. multiple versions of PHP, etc), or conflicts if you've used the exact same database and search index names (in all our installation docs we simply name these "atom"). You may need a system administrator to remove older conflicting dependency versions, and/or to change the default names of the database and search index. If you've tried everything else here and nothing has helped, then starting your new 2.6 installation again from scratch with this in mind might help! 

And as always, if nothing we've suggested here is helping and you're still stuck, then be sure to provide us with more information so we can try to come up with further ideas and suggestions for you. This includes information such as: 
  • Whether or not you've followed our recommended installation docs - and if not, what changes you've made
  • What versions of dependencies you have installed (operating system, PHP, Elasticsearch, MySQL, etc)
  • What errors related to the issues you're seeing you've found in the webserver error logs or by using Debug mode
  • What you've already tried to resolve the issues and what the outcomes were
  • Any other information you think might help us to understand the issue. 

Dan Gillean, MAS, MLIS

On Mon, Jan 18, 2021 at 9:00 AM ism...@gmail.com <ism...@gmail.com> wrote:

Good morning, I am updating atom 2.5 to 2.6 and I have to update MySQL to version 8. But doing it gives me an error. I already updated it on a development server but I did not have Percona Server installed with MySQL version 5.7. I don't know if that's the reason why it fails me now. Regards.

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