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New middle levels of description

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Dec 14, 2018, 4:32:35 PM12/14/18
to AtoM Users
Hello !

My institution has a complex hierarchical structure to describe our archives.

For the majority of our descriptions, we have a simple structure : Fonds - Series - Sous-series - Files - Items

Sometimes, we use : Fonds - Series - Sous-series - Divisions - Subdivisions - Subsub-divisions - Files - Items

Do you recommend to create the middle levels of description ? 
Is it has easy has to just create new terms in the taxonomy and to just inform legacyId/parentId columns in the CSV import ?

Thanks for your help !


Corinne Rogers

Dec 17, 2018, 3:35:14 PM12/17/18
to AtoM Users
Hi Vivianne,

AtoM is purposefully designed to be very flexible and permissive, to allow for infinite customization and different uses depending on local conventions. You can certainly add middle levels of description to fit your needs. As a logged in user with administrative privileges, navigate to Manage>Taxonomies>Levels of description and add the levels you need. Note that levels of description in AtoM are not hierarchical, allowing for the greatest flexibility. 

If you are importing descriptions using the CSV import, you can add your custom columns to the import template - see instructions here:

best regards,

Systems Analyst
Artefactual Systems
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