Custom Theme Fullwidth Treeview

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Dec 7, 2021, 5:36:37 PM12/7/21
to AtoM Users

I want to move (Draft) in the treeview to the end of the line. I was successful by modifying line 209 in

Now I would like to do that in my custom theme, instead of messing around with /apps/qbit/...

So in my custom theme I added the same hierarchy /modules/default/actions/ and added the file fullTreeViewAction.class.php, with the changes on line 209.

It does not work, why? Is it only working with temlates, not actions?
I restarted php and cleared the cache...


Dan Gillean

Dec 8, 2021, 11:10:17 AM12/8/21
to ICA-AtoM Users
Hi Roger, 

I checked with one of our developers, and he says that as far as he's aware, what you've described should work in stable/2.6.x. I see the GitHub link you shared is for 2.6.4, but is there any chance that you're using the qa/2.x branch locally? There are some changes there that might affect your implementation. 

Otherwise, a couple other things to try: 

Rebuild the theme CSS?
  • make -C plugins/[your plugin name here]
Note that if you installed locally using the tarball, you may need to first install the dependencies required to run this command - we precompile the CSS in the tarball releases, so the dependencies aren't included. Instructions can be found in the last part of the Option 2 installation instructions, here: 
Try re-running the cache:clear and PHP-FPM restarts - and also ensure that you clear your browser cache as well, or else test in a private or incognito browser window, where the browser cache is typically disabled by default?

Hopefully one of these things will help it work as expected. 


Dan Gillean, MAS, MLIS
AtoM Program Manager
Artefactual Systems, Inc.
he / him

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Dec 10, 2021, 5:27:12 PM12/10/21
to AtoM Users
Thanks, Dan.
I am using a stable 2.6.3 (server has no access to the www, so that's OK if it's not 2.6.4)
I did use the browser in "incognito mode", executed "make", cache-clear, php-fpm restart.
but nothing's happening.
file permissions/ownership also checked: www-data, and chmod 664.
will have to hack apps/qubit...
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