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Add Barcode Field to Physical Storage

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Tom Misilo

Nov 18, 2022, 3:10:20 PM11/18/22
to AtoM Users

Not sure if this the place to ask for a feature for the current version or if anyone has implemented it themselves.

With the physical storage module is there a way to easily add a "barcode" or identifier field to the physical storage page?

We currently throw the barcode into the Name field, but is not very elegant, and wanted to know what others are doing?


Dan Gillean

Nov 18, 2022, 4:05:57 PM11/18/22
Hi Tom, 

There is not currently any Artefactual-led development in this area confirmed to be on the roadmap, and I don't personally currently know of anyone who has shared local customizations adding a barcode field to the storage module. One thing I will say however that might make it easier for a developer to implement such a feature: 

If you look at the two main database tables used in the physical storage module...


[Image from the Entity Relationship Diagrams available on the wiki]

... then you can see that in the physical_object_i18n table, there is already an unused free-text description field. There's currently no corresponding field in the user interface, but one could be added. You'd still need to add the PHP code responsible for handling form submission, and more importantly, you would need to figure out how to add the new field to the search index - but it appears that no database schema migration would be needed to do so. 

This is different than adding a dedicated barcode field AND a description, for example - probably a better long-term solution - but then again, there is a lot that could and should be done in the future to improve the storage module. 


Dan Gillean, MAS, MLIS
AtoM Program Manager
Artefactual Systems, Inc.
he / him

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Tom Misilo

Aug 30, 2023, 3:13:33 PM8/30/23
to AtoM Users
Thanks Dan! Is there a preferred method for submitting feature requests for AtoM? I looked on GitHub, but that seems to be more for Bug reports.


Dan Gillean

Aug 30, 2023, 3:55:03 PM8/30/23
Hi Tom, 

GitHub is still the best way!

Honestly, things are in a bit of transition right now, and the Maintainers have not yet had a chance to review and update this information, but we do have some general guidelines that I'm pretty sure will still hold up overall on the wiki: 
A basic summary of important elements: 
  • If you haven't previously, please fill out our Contributor's Agreement  (PDF link) and email it to - we won't review the code until we have one of these! 
  • Make sure that your work has been developed against our development branch (qa/2.x) and has been rebased against latest commits to avoid conflicts
  • Make sure that you budget time to implement change requests if our Maintainers request them - if we are going to take on the ongoing maintenance of a feature through future releases, then we hope contributors plan to be active in the process, and not just dump some project code on us and expect us to pick it up as-is
  • If it's a large feature, our developers will be much more likely to get to it quickly if it's broken up into well-organized atomic commits

Dan Gillean, MAS, MLIS
AtoM Program Manager
Artefactual Systems, Inc.
he / him

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