AtoM to Europeana (CEF-Telecom 2018-EUROPEANA)

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Ricardo Pinho

Apr 12, 2018, 2:15:29 PM4/12/18

Dear AtoM-users,

I’m writing this message on behalf of a group of Portuguese Municipal AtoM users.

We would like to know about examples of institutions and organizations using AtoM and serving Europeana, harvesting through OAI-PMH.

If you are interested on publishing your AtoM archival database directly or indirectly on Europeana please reply to this message so we can get in contact.

We are looking for European partners for the CEF-Telecom 2018 EUROPEANA.

Thank you in advance.

Best regards,

Ricardo Pinho

Ad Axem

Apr 19, 2018, 4:43:21 PM4/19/18
to AtoM Users
Hi Ricardo,

We are interested in publishing archival descriptions to Europeana on behalf of some of our clients that use AtoM in Greece. Could you get in touch with me?
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