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Patricia Sandy

May 13, 2022, 1:40:28 PM5/13/22
to AtoM Users

Buenas tardes, 
Al llenar el registro de Autoridades, en el ÁREA DE PUNTOS DE ACCESO, aparece el campo de OCUPACIÓN y NOTAS. ¿Cuál es la información que debo llenar estos campos?

Gracias por su atención,

Patty Sandy

Dan Gillean

May 16, 2022, 9:01:19 AM5/16/22
to ICA-AtoM Users
Hi Patty, 

The Occupations access point is an optional field that can be used to provide your researchers with another way of finding related entities. Like all access points, terms entered here will be added as controlled vocabulary terms in a taxonomy, which users can then use to find other authority records with the same access point. 

Occupations are included on the authority record browse page as one of the facets available for public users to filter results: 


You can explore how we have used some of these in the sample data included in our public Demo site: 
The Occupations are intended to capture information about key jobs or roles that define the actor being described or some important function or time in their lives - for example, Teacher, Doctor, Director, Writer, etc. Whatever you think would make a useful point of discovery for your researchers. As one example: if your archives has many different records about artists, it might be helpful to use terms like Painter or Sculptor to help your researchers find other artists working in similar mediums. 

The notes field is a free-text field specific to that authority record that can be used to add further contextual information. For example, if you tagged an artist authority record with a "Painter" occupations access point, you could include information on the dates in which they were actively painting, or the specific type of painting they do, etc. 

Remember that any field left empty will not display to public users - so you don't need to use this access point if it's not helpful! 


Dan Gillean, MAS, MLIS
AtoM Program Manager
Artefactual Systems, Inc.
he / him

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