Hi Guiseppe,
I *think* this is a configuration issue with SSL, that is triggering a CORS error. CORS is "cross-origin resource sharing" - I don't know a lot about it, but essentially it's a security mechanism enforced by the browser to control requests that originate from one site, but want to fetch content from another site - which can be used by malicious websites as a security exploit.
In your case, this appears to be happening because your base URL is set to use HTTPS, but the request is being passed as an HTTP request. The CORS policy is interpreting this as insecure and possibly originating from an unknown source, so it's blocking the request.
There are ways to configure these rules and behaviors in Nginx, but this level of configuration shouldn't be necessary in your case. The first things I would check are:
- Your SSL certificate - make sure it's properly configured to use HTTPS for your site.
- The base URL you have configured in Admin > Settings > Site information. Make sure this is using HTTPS in the base URL
Beyond that, it would be useful to have a bit more information from you to help investigate this further. For example:
- Is there any more useful information in the browser console you can share? Error code, anything in the Response tab, etc?
- What browser and version were you using?
- Are there any relevant error messages in the webserver error logs? If so, please share
- Anything we should know about your 2.3 installation? For example, have you made any changes from the recommended installation instructions (changes in PHP, O/S, database, Elasticsearch version, or recommended webserver, for example)?
Let us know what you find and how it goes!