French versions of AtoM's XSLTs

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Ghislain Thibault

Mar 22, 2019, 3:14:59 PM3/22/19



I’ve followed the instruction to generate French finding aids as instructed here : including

$ php symfony cc

$ sudo systemctl restart nginx

$ sudo systemctl restart php7.0-fpm

$ sudo systemctl restart atom-worker


Here’s the error log I’ve received :

[info] [2019-03-22 14:51:53] Job 154609 "arFindingAidJob": Job started.

[info] [2019-03-22 14:51:53] Job 154609 "arFindingAidJob": Generating finding aid (fonds-union-des-mutuelles-vie-francaises-damerique)...

[info] [2019-03-22 14:51:54] Job 154609 "arFindingAidJob": Running: java -jar '/usr/share/nginx/atom/lib/task/pdf/saxon9he.jar' -s:'/tmp/php6FNFf3' -xsl:'/usr/share/nginx/atom/lib/task/pdf/ead-pdf-inventory-summary.xsl' -o:'/tmp/phpWAiaFs' 2>&1

[info] [2019-03-22 14:51:57] Job 154609 "arFindingAidJob": Running: fop -r -q -fo '/tmp/phpWAiaFs' -pdf '/usr/share/nginx/atom/downloads/fonds-union-des-mutuelles-vie-francaises-damerique.pdf' 2>&1

[info] [2019-03-22 14:51:59] Job 154609 "arFindingAidJob": Converting the EAD FO to PDF has failed.

[info] [2019-03-22 14:51:59] Job 154609 "arFindingAidJob": ERROR(FOP): [warning] /usr/bin/fop: No java runtime was found

[info] [2019-03-22 14:51:59] Job 154609 "arFindingAidJob": ERROR(FOP): [ERROR] FOUserAgent - Image not found. URI: images/pdf-logo.png. (See position 78:68)

[info] [2019-03-22 14:51:59] Job 154609 "arFindingAidJob": ERROR(FOP): [ERROR] FOUserAgent - Image not found. URI: images/pdf-logo.png. (No context info available)

[info] [2019-03-22 14:51:59] Job 154609 "arFindingAidJob": ERROR(FOP): [INFO] FOUserAgent - Rendered page #1.

[info] [2019-03-22 14:51:59] Job 154609 "arFindingAidJob": ERROR(FOP): [WARN] FOUserAgent - Property ID "d2e27" (found on "fo:block") previously used; ID values must be unique within a document! Any reference to it will be considered a reference to the first occurrence in the document. (See position 374:34)

[info] [2019-03-22 14:51:59] Job 154609 "arFindingAidJob": ERROR(FOP): [WARN] FOUserAgent - "fo:table-body" is missing child elements. Required content model: marker* (table-row+|table-cell+) (See position 464:51)

[info] [2019-03-22 14:51:59] Job 154609 "arFindingAidJob": ERROR(FOP): [ERROR] FOP - Exception <org.apache.fop.apps.FOPException

[info] [2019-03-22 14:51:59] Job 154609 "arFindingAidJob": ERROR(FOP): java.lang.NullPointerException>org.apache.fop.apps.FOPException

[info] [2019-03-22 14:51:59] Job 154609 "arFindingAidJob": ERROR(FOP): java.lang.NullPointerException

[info] [2019-03-22 14:51:59] Job 154609 "arFindingAidJob": ERROR(FOP):           at org.apache.fop.cli.InputHandler.transformTo(

[info] [2019-03-22 14:51:59] Job 154609 "arFindingAidJob": ERROR(FOP):           at org.apache.fop.cli.InputHandler.renderTo(

[info] [2019-03-22 14:51:59] Job 154609 "arFindingAidJob": ERROR(FOP):           at org.apache.fop.cli.Main.startFOP(

[info] [2019-03-22 14:51:59] Job 154609 "arFindingAidJob": ERROR(FOP):           at org.apache.fop.cli.Main.main(

[info] [2019-03-22 14:51:59] Job 154609 "arFindingAidJob": ERROR(FOP): Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException

[info] [2019-03-22 14:51:59] Job 154609 "arFindingAidJob": ERROR(FOP):           at

[info] [2019-03-22 14:51:59] Job 154609 "arFindingAidJob": ERROR(FOP):           at

[info] [2019-03-22 14:51:59] Job 154609 "arFindingAidJob": ERROR(FOP):           at

[info] [2019-03-22 14:51:59] Job 154609 "arFindingAidJob": ERROR(FOP):           at$MainFOHandler.endElement(

[info] [2019-03-22 14:51:59] Job 154609 "arFindingAidJob": ERROR(FOP):           at

[info] [2019-03-22 14:51:59] Job 154609 "arFindingAidJob": ERROR(FOP):           at org.apache.xalan.transformer.TransformerIdentityImpl.endElement(

[info] [2019-03-22 14:51:59] Job 154609 "arFindingAidJob": ERROR(FOP):           at org.apache.xerces.parsers.AbstractSAXParser.endElement(Unknown Source)

[info] [2019-03-22 14:51:59] Job 154609 "arFindingAidJob": ERROR(FOP):           at org.apache.xerces.xinclude.XIncludeHandler.endElement(Unknown Source)

[info] [2019-03-22 14:51:59] Job 154609 "arFindingAidJob": ERROR(FOP):           at org.apache.xerces.impl.XMLNSDocumentScannerImpl.scanEndElement(Unknown Source)

[info] [2019-03-22 14:51:59] Job 154609 "arFindingAidJob": ERROR(FOP):           at org.apache.xerces.impl.XMLDocumentFragmentScannerImpl$FragmentContentDispatcher.dispatch(Unknown Source)

[info] [2019-03-22 14:51:59] Job 154609 "arFindingAidJob": ERROR(FOP):           at org.apache.xerces.impl.XMLDocumentFragmentScannerImpl.scanDocument(Unknown Source)

[info] [2019-03-22 14:51:59] Job 154609 "arFindingAidJob": ERROR(FOP):           at org.apache.xerces.parsers.XML11Configuration.parse(Unknown Source)

[info] [2019-03-22 14:51:59] Job 154609 "arFindingAidJob": ERROR(FOP):           at org.apache.xerces.parsers.XML11Configuration.parse(Unknown Source)

[info] [2019-03-22 14:51:59] Job 154609 "arFindingAidJob": ERROR(FOP):           at org.apache.xerces.parsers.XMLParser.parse(Unknown Source)

[info] [2019-03-22 14:51:59] Job 154609 "arFindingAidJob": ERROR(FOP):           at org.apache.xerces.parsers.AbstractSAXParser.parse(Unknown Source)

[info] [2019-03-22 14:51:59] Job 154609 "arFindingAidJob": ERROR(FOP):           at org.apache.xerces.jaxp.SAXParserImpl$JAXPSAXParser.parse(Unknown Source)

[info] [2019-03-22 14:51:59] Job 154609 "arFindingAidJob": ERROR(FOP):           at org.apache.xalan.transformer.TransformerIdentityImpl.transform(

[info] [2019-03-22 14:51:59] Job 154609 "arFindingAidJob": ERROR(FOP):           at org.apache.fop.cli.InputHandler.transformTo(

[info] [2019-03-22 14:51:59] Job 154609 "arFindingAidJob": ERROR(FOP):           ... 3 more

[info] [2019-03-22 14:51:59] Job 154609 "arFindingAidJob": ERROR(FOP):

[info] [2019-03-22 14:52:00] Job 154609 "arFindingAidJob": ERROR(FOP): ---------

[info] [2019-03-22 14:52:00] Job 154609 "arFindingAidJob": ERROR(FOP):

[info] [2019-03-22 14:52:00] Job 154609 "arFindingAidJob": ERROR(FOP): java.lang.NullPointerException

[info] [2019-03-22 14:52:00] Job 154609 "arFindingAidJob": ERROR(FOP):           at

[info] [2019-03-22 14:52:00] Job 154609 "arFindingAidJob": ERROR(FOP):           at

[info] [2019-03-22 14:52:00] Job 154609 "arFindingAidJob": ERROR(FOP):           at

[info] [2019-03-22 14:52:00] Job 154609 "arFindingAidJob": ERROR(FOP):           at$MainFOHandler.endElement(

[info] [2019-03-22 14:52:00] Job 154609 "arFindingAidJob": ERROR(FOP):           at

[info] [2019-03-22 14:52:00] Job 154609 "arFindingAidJob": ERROR(FOP):           at org.apache.xalan.transformer.TransformerIdentityImpl.endElement(

[info] [2019-03-22 14:52:00] Job 154609 "arFindingAidJob": ERROR(FOP):           at org.apache.xerces.parsers.AbstractSAXParser.endElement(Unknown Source)

[info] [2019-03-22 14:52:00] Job 154609 "arFindingAidJob": ERROR(FOP):           at org.apache.xerces.xinclude.XIncludeHandler.endElement(Unknown Source)

[info] [2019-03-22 14:52:00] Job 154609 "arFindingAidJob": ERROR(FOP):           at org.apache.xerces.impl.XMLNSDocumentScannerImpl.scanEndElement(Unknown Source)

[info] [2019-03-22 14:52:00] Job 154609 "arFindingAidJob": ERROR(FOP):           at org.apache.xerces.impl.XMLDocumentFragmentScannerImpl$FragmentContentDispatcher.dispatch(Unknown Source)

[info] [2019-03-22 14:52:00] Job 154609 "arFindingAidJob": ERROR(FOP):           at org.apache.xerces.impl.XMLDocumentFragmentScannerImpl.scanDocument(Unknown Source)

[info] [2019-03-22 14:52:00] Job 154609 "arFindingAidJob": ERROR(FOP):           at org.apache.xerces.parsers.XML11Configuration.parse(Unknown Source)

[info] [2019-03-22 14:52:00] Job 154609 "arFindingAidJob": ERROR(FOP):           at org.apache.xerces.parsers.XML11Configuration.parse(Unknown Source)

[info] [2019-03-22 14:52:00] Job 154609 "arFindingAidJob": ERROR(FOP):           at org.apache.xerces.parsers.XMLParser.parse(Unknown Source)

[info] [2019-03-22 14:52:00] Job 154609 "arFindingAidJob": ERROR(FOP):           at org.apache.xerces.parsers.AbstractSAXParser.parse(Unknown Source)

[info] [2019-03-22 14:52:00] Job 154609 "arFindingAidJob": ERROR(FOP):           at org.apache.xerces.jaxp.SAXParserImpl$JAXPSAXParser.parse(Unknown Source)

[info] [2019-03-22 14:52:00] Job 154609 "arFindingAidJob": ERROR(FOP):           at org.apache.xalan.transformer.TransformerIdentityImpl.transform(

[info] [2019-03-22 14:52:00] Job 154609 "arFindingAidJob": ERROR(FOP):           at org.apache.fop.cli.InputHandler.transformTo(

[info] [2019-03-22 14:52:00] Job 154609 "arFindingAidJob": ERROR(FOP):           at org.apache.fop.cli.InputHandler.renderTo(

[info] [2019-03-22 14:52:00] Job 154609 "arFindingAidJob": ERROR(FOP):           at org.apache.fop.cli.Main.startFOP(

[info] [2019-03-22 14:52:01] Job 154609 "arFindingAidJob": ERROR(FOP):           at org.apache.fop.cli.Main.main(

[info] [2019-03-22 14:52:01] Job 154609 "arFindingAidJob": ERROR(FOP):

[info] [2019-03-22 14:52:01] Job 154609 "arFindingAidJob": Job finished.


With the English xslts, everything works just fine :

[info] [2019-03-21 16:18:11] Job 154604 "arFindingAidJob": Job started.

[info] [2019-03-21 16:18:11] Job 154604 "arFindingAidJob": Generating finding aid (fonds-comite-ministeriel-des-manuels-et-des-programmes-detudes-pour-les-ecoles-bilingues-de-lontario)...

[info] [2019-03-21 16:18:12] Job 154604 "arFindingAidJob": Running: java -jar '/usr/share/nginx/atom/lib/task/pdf/saxon9he.jar' -s:'/tmp/phpg8I0Rt' -xsl:'/usr/share/nginx/atom/lib/task/pdf/ead-pdf-inventory-summary.xsl' -o:'/tmp/phpg9Bu9V' 2>&1

[info] [2019-03-21 16:18:16] Job 154604 "arFindingAidJob": Running: fop -r -q -fo '/tmp/phpg9Bu9V' -pdf '/usr/share/nginx/atom/downloads/fonds-comite-ministeriel-des-manuels-et-des-programmes-detudes-pour-les-ecoles-bilingues-de-lontario.pdf' 2>&1

[info] [2019-03-21 16:18:19] Job 154604 "arFindingAidJob": Finding aid generated successfully: /usr/share/nginx/atom/downloads/fonds-comite-ministeriel-des-manuels-et-des-programmes-detudes-pour-les-ecoles-bilingues-de-lontario.pdf

[info] [2019-03-21 16:18:19] Job 154604 "arFindingAidJob": Job finished.


As far as I remember, when I tried to install the French xslts on the vagrant box, it works just fine as well.


Thank you in advance for your help.


Best regards,


Ghislain Thibault X4014

Archiviste informatique documentaire, CRCCF


Dan Gillean

Mar 22, 2019, 4:36:17 PM3/22/19
to ICA-AtoM Users
Hi Ghislain, 

We don't test or maintain community resources, so I don't have experience troubleshooting this particular XSLT, but I will try to offer some general suggestions. 

I see at least one major error, and a minor one in this output. 

The major one is: /usr/bin/fop: No java runtime was found

However, if the same site works with the English XSLTs, then I don't think it would be a missing dependency. You can check your Java version by running the following from the command-line: 
  • java -version
In my Vagrant test environment, here is the output I get: 

openjdk version "1.8.0_151"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_151-8u151-b12-0ubuntu0.16.04.2-b12)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.151-b12, mixed mode)

I would suggest that you check the filesystem permissions - it's possible that something was changed when you dropped in the new file? You can try resetting them by running the following from the root AtoM installation directory: 
  • sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /usr/share/nginx/atom
It also looks like the PDF is temporarily deposited in the /tmp/ directory of your system. Since this is outside of AtoM, I'm not sure exactly what the permissions *should* be, but here's what they are in my Vagrant env when I run ls -ld /tmp/ 
  • drwxrwxrwt 11 root root 4096
I'm not an expert in interpreting this, but it looks like all users should have read and write permissions with this setting, and that this is pretty normal for a /tmp directory. 

My guess is that most of the following errors stem from this first one. See if if reviewing the Java version and filesystem permissions helps resolve it. This page provides a decent summary of understanding permissions in unix. 

The other smaller error I see here is that the XSLT is looking for a logo to use for the finding aid cover in images/pdf-logo.png. You could always try adding one there? I would recommend you follow the size/format recommendations for the repository logos - that is: 
  • between 200x200px to 270x270px size
  • PNG format
  • No larger than 256KB
Let me know how it goes! If you do make changes, you should probably clear the cache and restart services again before re-testing. 


Dan Gillean, MAS, MLIS
AtoM Program Manager
Artefactual Systems, Inc.

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