Hi Jesus,
A lot has changed between this versions, specially the MySQL 8 upgrade but also the encoding, collation and the password hashing algorithm. I wonder if you're using the default Docker Compose environment provided in the repository and if you're doing the upgrade from the same AtoM folder. If that's the case, to be able to get to the point you are I guess you fully removed the volumes and recreated the containers.
During the upgrade task, the passwords are re-hashed based on the following "config/app.yml" settings:
This config file can be extended/overwritten in "apps/qubit/config/app.yml" and the bootstrap process avoids changing that file if it exists. It's hard to see how this could affect you but it may be worth checking those config files.
In case there is something useful, this is the "one line" command I run to import and upgrade an old database in a 2.6 instance:
docker cp /host/path/to/dump/atom_24.sql docker_percona_1:/atom.sql && \
docker-compose exec percona mysql -h localhost -u atom -patom_12345 -e "DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS atom;" && \
docker-compose exec percona mysql -h localhost -u atom -patom_12345 -e "CREATE DATABASE atom CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci;" && \
docker-compose exec percona bash -c "mysql -h localhost -u atom -patom_12345 atom < /atom.sql" && \
docker-compose exec atom php -d memory_limit=-1 symfony tools:upgrade-sql --no-confirmation && \
docker-compose exec atom php -d memory_limit=-1 symfony search:populate
Best regards,