Re: [atom-users] La exportación CSV de Documentos de archivos no es completa en versión 7 y 8

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Dan Gillean

Mar 20, 2024, 10:01:10 AMMar 20
Hi Mercedes, 

I suspect that this might have to do with the default installation culture of your various versions, the language of the interface when your descriptions were created (i.e. the source culture), and some known issues in AtoM that have to do with exporting non-English CSV data. 

These bug tickets outline the issue that I think you are encountering: 
There were also some previous reports about this in the user forum, such as: 
The previous workaround suggested was to run your exports from the command-line, where all rows in all cultures were included in the export by default. 

If you can upgrade to 2.8.1, the Maintainers have made changes there so that the CSV export from the user interface should now behave like the CLI export, and include all available rows in all cultures on export. 2.8.1 release notes: 
As to why 2.6.4 behaved differently: 

This is just a guess, but: is it possible that the default installation culture of your site was different then (i.e. left to the default EN installation culture, instead of ES)? And/or, is it possible that archivists were creating Spanish descriptions, but while in the English user interface?

If so, it's possible that this might explain the different behavior. Nothing changed in AtoM 2.7 regarding how AtoM handles exports, as far as I know, and the bug tickets linked above were first reproduced in 2.4 (meaning they affected 2.4, 2.5, 2.6, and 2.7.x releases). 

It may be worth doing a bit of investigating to see if the language of your descriptions matches the source culture that AtoM thinks they are! Unfortunately, this does sometimes happen in AtoM when people add descriptions in one language, (e.g. Spanish) but the AtoM user interface is set to English - so AtoM thinks the descriptions are in English, not Spanish. 

This can be a really complicated issue to fix, so it is best to identify it early if possible! I did try to recently provide some initial guidance to another user facing a similar challenge here: 
You could potentially use the SQL SELECT statement examples provided in that thread to check your own data and see how many rows AtoM thinks are English vs Spanish across the main entity tables. 


Dan Gillean, MAS, MLIS
AtoM Program Manager
Artefactual Systems, Inc.
he / him

On Wed, Mar 20, 2024 at 8:04 AM Mercedes Jiménez Bolívar <> wrote:
Hola, amigos.

En la versión 7 de AtoM detecté que en la exportación CSV de documentos de archivos hay campos que no se exportan. Lo mismo sucede con la versión 8. Sin embargo, en la versión 2.6.4 la exportación es completa.

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Dan Gillean

Apr 3, 2024, 2:59:00 PMApr 3
Hi again Mercedes, 

The Maintainers tried to reproduce this issue, and were unable. However, they did all their testing in a site that had a default culture of EN. 

I wanted to make sure that this issue was not affected by the installation culture, so I found some time to do a bit further testing myself. Here is what I did: 
  • First, confirm that my local Docker test environment is up to date, and running 2.8.1 - 193
  • Switch the default installation culture to es in apps/qubit/config/settings.yml
  • Clear cache, restart services, reindex
  • Log in and confirm that Spanish is now the default culture of the user interface
  • Add an existing EN description from my test data to the clipboard
  • Create 1 new ES record in the ES interface, filling out all the fields,  and add it  to the clipboard
  • Create 1 new record adding EN data, but in the ES interface - add to clipboard
  • Flip the user interface to EN, create 1 EN record in the EN interface, add to clipboard
  • Go to clipboard, export all while the user inteface is still set to EN
  • Flip the user interface to ES, export all from clipboard again
  • Compare results
I am attaching the two resulting CSV files in case you are curious. As you can see, all fields exported properly in all test cases. I was also unable to reproduce the issue you describe. 

I wonder - have you tried running some of the Maintenance tasks, to see if it helps? Such as: 
If yes, then I am not sure what else to suggest at this point! 

Hopefully other non-English AtoM users who have upgraded to release 2.8.1 can report here on how the CSV export via the user interface is working for them. In the meantime, I would suggest that you consider using the CLI export for now, and continue inspecting your installation to see if you can identify any issues. 

You might also want to try repeating my tests with your own new test descriptions - just to confirm that the issue is not related to descriptions that were in the database PRIOR to the upgrade. 


Dan Gillean, MAS, MLIS
AtoM Program Manager
Artefactual Systems, Inc.
he / him

On Tue, Apr 2, 2024 at 10:48 AM Mercedes Jiménez Bolívar <> wrote:
Hola, Dan.

Hemos seguido tus recomendaciones e instalado la versión 2.8.1 - 193. Observamos que  la exportación CSV solo incluye la información en inglés. He realizado unas comprobaciones que paso a explicarte.

Te adjunto un CSV de una línea de un registro que ya existia en la base de datos. Aqui se ve que  "culture=en". Estoy convencida de que el registro se creo en español, con la interfaz en español. (isad_0000000001 16.csv)
Te adjunto otro CSV de un registro que he creado hoy en español, con la interfaz en español. (isad_0000000001 17HOY.csv). Pasa exactamiente lo mismo.
En ningún caso se exportan a través de la interfaz las distintas descripciones en distintas culturas: EN y ES.

¿Sabes que está sucediendo? Nos interesa para poder realizar las modificaciones necesarias antes de dar por buena la instalación.
Muchísimas gracias por tu ayuda.



Mercedes Jiménez Bolívar

Apr 4, 2024, 4:40:37 AMApr 4
to AtoM Users
Buenos días, Dan.
Hemos repetido el proceso de instalación de 2.8.1 - 1.9.3 y ahora puedo afirmar que la exportación CSV desde la interfaz de usuario se realiza correctamente. Tanto las descripciones realizadas con la interfaz en español como las que se han hecho cambiando el idioma a inglés. 
Te adjunto un ejemplo de una descripción hecha en una versión anterior de AtoM y que tenía desde el principio una versión completa en español (ES)  e incompleta en inglés (EN).
Deduzco que algo no hicimos bien en la instalación. 
Muchas gracias, Dan.

Dan Gillean

Apr 4, 2024, 7:51:46 AMApr 4
That is great news! 

Thank you for updating the thread and letting us know. I'm glad to hear that we have successfully solved the export issue! 


Dan Gillean, MAS, MLIS
AtoM Program Manager
Artefactual Systems, Inc.
he / him

Mercedes Jiménez Bolívar

Apr 5, 2024, 3:12:36 AMApr 5
to AtoM Users
Gracias a vosotros. El apoyo que nos dais es maravilloso.
Estoy revisando a fondo la nueva versión. Os enviaré las conclusiones. 
Gracias otra vez.

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