disseminating EAD metadata

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Stuart Udall

Jul 28, 2023, 9:25:52 AM7/28/23
to ica-ato...@googlegroups.com
Hi all, first time posting here, greets! :)

So I've found myself troubleshooting an AtoM 2.64 install, we'd like to see metadata in EAD format using the OAI-PMH plugin (please correct my terminology if it's wrong).

All goes well if I use Dublin Core format, in a URL like this:


But if I switch to EAD, using a URL like this:


I get an error:

"cannotDisseminateFormat The metadata format identified by the value given for the metadataPrefix argument is available for item oai:website.com:_5."

The Atom sourcecode seems to generate this message if there are "identifiersWithMissingCacheFiles". Due to this, we tried clearing the cache with "php symfony cc", however this did not fix the problem. We also restarted PHP and memcached.

In the control panel, I can see the OAI Repository menu, which tells me the OAI plugin is installed.

I'll be honest, I'm not sure what the error message is telling me - is it actually an error, or am I just using the wrong syntax in my URL?

I do have several other AtoM sites to compare/check against, however I didn't immediately see anything different, in the OAI Repository menu, when I compared against a site which correctly serves metadata in EAD format.

Note, we hope to upgrade this site to AtoM 2.73 ASAP, but we are having issues doing that, which may/may not be related to the issue I described above.

All assistance appreciated, and have a good weekend!


Stuart Udall
System Administrator
0208 309 5445

Max Communications Ltd.
2-3, Gunnery Terrace
Cornwallis Road
London SE18 6SW

Dan Gillean

Jul 28, 2023, 1:47:50 PM7/28/23
to ica-ato...@googlegroups.com
Hi Stuart, 

First, can you navigate to the description view page and use the "Export EAD" link in the sidebar, and see your EAD 2002 XML document properly generated? This is a good way to double-check that there are not elements in the body of the description that are breaking the XML rendering, such as reserved characters. This means your EAD may fail to export properly if:
  • You’ve used unescaped special characters that are reserved in XML, such as ampersands & or angle brackets < and >.
  • You’ve used inline HTML elements to style the display of some fields in AtoM - for example, using <em> or <i> elements for emphasis or italics. Consider using Markdown instead!
  • You’ve cut and pasted non UTF-8 encoded characters into AtoM - a common example would be the curvy quotation marks used in many word processing applications like Microsoft Word, instead of the standard UTF-8 straight quotes "
If that's not the issue, have you enabled the setting to cache description exports, as is recommended for supporting oai_ead exports? I think this may be the issue to which the error message refers. See: 
If you have but it's still not working, try entering into edit mode on the description and then saving (even if you don't make any changes - or make a small change and then change it back). Once the form is saved, a background job should trigger to update the cached copy with a new version of the stored XML. This might resolve the issue. 

Let us know if that helps! 

Dan Gillean, MAS, MLIS
AtoM Program Manager
Artefactual Systems, Inc.
he / him

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Mohamed vall

Jul 30, 2023, 4:54:05 PM7/30/23
to ica-ato...@googlegroups.com
hello everyone how can i install atom and use it in debian 11  step by step im a beginner and i still try to install atom but every time i fall

Dan Gillean

Jul 31, 2023, 10:14:53 AM7/31/23
to ica-ato...@googlegroups.com
Hi Mohamed, 

Artefactual does all our development and testing of AtoM against Ubuntu LTS releases, so this is what we officially support in our documentation. While it may be possible to install AtoM on Debian, we cannot provide you with a step by step guide. Perhaps someone else in the community who has done this will be able to help. In the meantime, a few suggestions: 

First, check the technical requirements for the version you are trying to install, and make sure you are using the SAME version of the dependencies! This may not be default version supported in Debian 11, so you will need to check. See: 
  • MySQL 8.0
  • PHP 7.4
  • Elasticsearch 5.6
  • As well as making sure that all the required PHP extensions and additional libraries (like imageMagick, ghostscript, Apache FOP, etc) are available. 
Do NOT try to install later versions just because they are available. For example, AtoM does not yet support PHP 8.x, or later versions of Elasticsearch. You will run into issues if you try to use unsupported versions. 

Be sure to check the recommended hardware requirements as well to ensure your installation will have enough resources. From the docs - for a small-to-medium sized installation, we typically recommend at least the following: 
  • Processor: 2 vCPUs @ 2.3GHz
  • Memory: 7GB
  • Disk space (processing): 50GB at a minimum for AtoM’s core stack plus more storage would be required for supporting any substantial number of digital objects. 
You can see all posts tagged with "Debian" in the User Forum here: 
Unfortunately at this time, I don't see anything newer than AtoM release 2.4.1, but there may still be useful tips and suggestions in these threads. You can also try free-text searches in the forum - it's possible we haven't properly tagged all conversations! 

Good luck!

Dan Gillean, MAS, MLIS
AtoM Program Manager
Artefactual Systems, Inc.
he / him

Mohamed vall

Aug 3, 2023, 1:50:44 PM8/3/23
to ica-ato...@googlegroups.com

Stuart Udall

Aug 9, 2023, 11:13:09 AM8/9/23
to AtoM Users
Hi Dan,

Thanks so much for this, it seemed to work! I tested the archive description and was able to export in EAD format as you suggested, so I decided it wasn't an encoding/UTF-8 issue and proceeded to your second suggestion.

The setting "Cache description XML exports upon creation/modification" was set to no. I changed it to yes, which will cover future edits (I believe). To cover data already entered, I ran the commandline suggested on this page -

 php symfony cache:xml-representations

This generated 900+ XML files in downloads/export/ead (and also downloads/exports/dc). One glitch, the generated files were owned and group-owned by the root user, I ran these to make them accessible to the webserver:

chown -R www-data downloads/exports
chgrp -R www-data downloads/exports

...and job done! The "unable to disseminate" error has vanished and instead I see XML data, as expected.

Thank you again, on behalf of everyone who was hoping to access this data. :)

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