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CAS Authentication for AtoM

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James Griffin

May 7, 2019, 11:34:37 AM5/7/19
to AtoM Users

Hello Everyone,

My name is James Griffin, and I’m a Digital Infrastructure Developer with the Princeton University Library.  We are currently evaluating AtoM as a candidate solution for acting as a discovery platform for finding aids, and we have been iterating through the features which would be necessary to deploy an AtoM installation locally.

I have already been made aware by Artefactual (in an exchange where Dan Gillean provided a very generous amount of information) that AtoM offers support for LDAP integration in  However, I was curious as to whether or not a more generic solution for AtoM (perhaps, one which builds upon Symfony) supporting CAS integration is being actively used or developed by anyone in the community?

Thank you for your time and attention.


Karl Goetz

May 7, 2019, 7:18:19 PM5/7/19
to 'Toni Schoenbuchner' via AtoM Users
Hi James,

I know of the following Shibboleth plugin as I briefly considered doing an integration using it, but nothing for CAS specifically.

Remember if looking for Symfony integration you’ll need to look for plugins working in the old version which atom includes not the current release.


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Karl Goetz
Mon, Tue, Wed, Technical Services Officer - eResearch
Wed, Thu, Fri Senior Library Officer (Library Systems)
University of Tasmania, Private Bag 25, Hobart 7001

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