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Hosting platforms (company) Recommendations

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Oct 26, 2023, 10:19:13 AM10/26/23
to AtoM Users
Can anyone recommend a hosting platforms (company) that communicates well with the installation of ATOM?

Dan Gillean

Oct 26, 2023, 11:49:35 AM10/26/23
Hi there, 

For the hosting services that Artefactual offers, we have successfully used both OVH and DigitalOcean to provision Ubuntu LTS VMs (such as Ubuntu 20.04 for AtoM 2.7.x releases), and install AtoM inside of those for our hosted clients. 

Dan Gillean, MAS, MLIS
AtoM Program Manager
Artefactual Systems, Inc.
he / him

On Thu, Oct 26, 2023 at 10:19 AM MEBA at FAMU <> wrote:
Can anyone recommend a hosting platforms (company) that communicates well with the installation of ATOM?

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Oct 26, 2023, 12:14:53 PM10/26/23
to AtoM Users
Thank you so much for responding.  I did reach out to Artefactual, but they wasn't really responsive.  I would like to self installBy in 2009 I installed what was Archon at the time.  Do you know if there is a step-by-step tutorial if I use Digital Ocean and what should I purchase if I go the self-installation route with them?

Dan Gillean

Oct 26, 2023, 1:14:08 PM10/26/23
Hi again, 

I'm sorry your initial contact with Artefactual didn't get you the information you needed. If you are still interest in our application hosting, I would be happy to follow-up on this internally for you. (just let me know!) However, please note that Artefactual doesn't offer self-installation hosting, just a hosted service. So if you really want to install and maintain the application yourself but on a hosted server, then using a platform service provider like Digital Ocean will be your best bet. 

We do not have step-by-step instructions for using third-party hosting solutions - our documentation assumes that you either own your server and doing the installation locally, or else you already know what you are doing  (or are using the hosting solution help and documentation to get what you need from them). I don't personally know the exact details of what Digital Ocean offers these days, but if you can get a Droplet that comes pre-configured with Ubuntu 20.04 and you have command-line access to that droplet, then you can follow the AtoM installation instructions step-by-step inside your new droplet from there. See: 
When purchasing and/or configuring your droplet, be sure that you will have sufficient permissions to install everything you need inside of it (i.e. review what is installed in our Installation documentation, linked above). Additionally, make sure that the droplet is provisioned with enough resources for AtoM to run effectively. For a small-to-medium sized production ready instance, we do have some general recommendations found here: 

Processor: 2 vCPUs @ 2.3GHz
Memory: 7GB
Disk space (processing): 50GB at a minimum for AtoM’s core stack plus more storage would be required for supporting any substantial number of digital objects.

Finally, to be able to properly access your AtoM installation by using your chosen domain name (e.g. or whatever), there are additional steps to purchase a domain name (if you don't already own one), and update your DNS record to point to the correct IP address, etc. Digital Ocean may have its own documentation to help with this - in general there is nothing about this process that is specific to AtoM, so any online resource should help. 

Cheers, and good luck! 

Dan Gillean, MAS, MLIS
AtoM Program Manager
Artefactual Systems, Inc.
he / him

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