Hi Marius,
It's not comprehensive, but we have new functionality coming in the next AtoM release (version 2.5) that will introduce an audit log for archival descriptions, that does exactly this. It will not capture information about other entities (such as authority records, terms, accessions, etc) yet, and it does not capture the content of the changes - only the following:
- Whether it was creation of a new description or modification of an existing record
- Date and time
- The user who has performed the edit
You will be able to see these audit logs on a per-description basis (to see all the edits to a particular record), or on a per-user basis (to see a summary of edits that a particular user has made to descriptions throughout the system). There will also be a user filter added to the
Description updates page, so you can bound queries about new or edited content by time, using the date range filter available there.
You can see the issue ticket for this new feature here - the ticket includes a more detailed summary of exactly what will be included:
We hope that other users might help us build upon this functionality to expand the module in subsequent releases.